power outage - what's the longest you have gone and had hatching eggs?


Jun 4, 2016
richmond va
We had a terrible storm last night that came through and took out lots of trees. Our power went out around 10 pm and it was still out at 730 when I left for work this morning. It was too stormy last night to get the generator started and I couldn't get it started and leave it while I am at work today. This is day 5 for the eggs and the temperature in the incubator was 75 when I left the house. i was going to look for something to power the incubator off a battery when I leave work today. Wondering if I should just give up on these eggs or if they still have a chance.

I won't have power until likely some time next week.
Hi there
They still have a chance
I once had power gone for 13 hours and chicks hatched
I know your power might be gone longer but I would give them a few
Days and see if there forming
In a similar situation myself, I have 5 eggsin lockdown, in the incubator and last night two hatched out. Shortly after those two hatched, the power went out for about 5.5 hrs.... didn't see a pip on the remaining two this morning when I left for work (power was on then). Wont find out if any others made progress for another 3 hrs...oh the agony!
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I won't have power until likely some time next week.
Oh my gosh, I just reread your post and saw this. That's an awfully long time, holy smokes....not just for your eggs but for you yourself!

It wouldn't hurt anything to just keep an eye on them to see if they still develop. Especially since there are some people that shipped eggs that have already been started in the incubator.


So I would definitely let them go awhile and see what happens.
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Thank you everyone. I did take them to a friend this afternoon, she agreed to keep them for me while I am without power. The temp in the incubator was still 75 degrees at 3pm when I got home. So they went for probably a good 10 hours at an undesirable temperature. The power went out at 10pm last night and I think the incubator probably didn't get down to 75 until the early morning, probably stayed in the 90s until after 1ish

I have my fingers crossed.
nothing else hatched, so after listening to this baby peep his little heart out for 3 days, I found someone on Craigslist that had chicks and bought 2 so he would have company.

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