PPBA Show in Stockton, CA in January?

wow, good find. Thanks

After we test eggs, we'll do a 'drag test'... sounds like dragging a bit of gauze around in our dirt and sending it to the lab to see if Myco is in our soil.
I met a breeder at the show who said she stopped all vaccines a while back (I forgot how long & I WISH I'd gotten her contact info), & lost about 30% of her flock, but the rest are all much healthier & more resistant. She raises Ameraucanas. Applying that principle here; culling anyone who sneezes, all the rest look & sound & are laying fine so are probably resistant.
As for the chicks in March, I have a friend who would love to keep them for us. I think Oxine is supposed to kill myco... will be using a lot of it!
wow, good find. Thanks

After we test eggs, we'll do a 'drag test'... sounds like dragging a bit of gauze around in our dirt and sending it to the lab to see if Myco is in our soil.
I met a breeder at the show who said she stopped all vaccines a while back (I forgot how long & I WISH I'd gotten her contact info), & lost about 30% of her flock, but the rest are all much healthier & more resistant. She raises Ameraucanas. Applying that principle here; culling anyone who sneezes, all the rest look & sound & are laying fine so are probably resistant.
As for the chicks in March, I have a friend who would love to keep them for us. I think Oxine is supposed to kill myco... will be using a lot of it!

I'm very interested in this b/c my flock came down with sneezing etc., a couple years ago. I sacrificed a couple hens to the lab at Davis to find out what it was ... they thought that it was myco g. but all tests were negative or inconclusive. I then took a couple more hens to an avian vet with the info from the lab.
I have the dilemma of having very rare breeds. They are not easily replaced and I have invested so much time & money into my flock. I can't just cull and start over. I'm also absolutely committed to having my flock out on grass pasture for day ranging, as part of a rotational grazing system with other livestock. I explained this to the vet. She told me that I should not cull birds with symptoms. She said that Myco is everywhere, especially in free ranging chickens, and that the majority of chickens not raised in cages would test positive for it. She didn't think that chickens raised in a sterile environment had the same quality of life as those who get to run around outdoors. She said that, even if I did start over with clean birds, they would be exposed again from wild birds etc. She really didn't feel that myco was a death sentence, rather just a fact of life for outdoor chickens.
This past winter, I noticed a couple birds sneezing again, nothing serious and they got over it.
I guess I don't understand why it's recommended that people should cull for this. Whatever it is, it's not fatal and they do recover from it.
I haven't read your link yet, but I will, thank you. I guess from what I've read so far, that I can never show and probably can't get NPIP. I am very honest with people about my flock's history.

Thanks for the information from everyone on the subject of NPIP testing and what you have found out about Myco., etc. I have not had a chance to complete my research on what I need to do to show birds yet, but I agree with Capayvalleychick about the birds being allowed to have a chicken's life (or a duck's, turkey's, and goose's life as is the case here) and be allowed to run around outdoors. Yesterday I spent the greater part of the afternoon in the company of most of our birds who free range during the day. The increased workload alone is a daunting prospect if I were to lock everyone up in their own separate pens after watching the chickens and turkeys scratch through the horse pens for grain from the hay and the Muscovies and geese graze on every bit of green that they have access to... It dawned on me that I would be mowing at least an acre of weeds after realizing that the places the ducks and geese can't get to are knee deep in grass!! Not to mention the fact that I would then have to feed everyone who is gleaning their own grub from everyone else's leftovers or unwanted patch of weeds. Maybe I could just confine the show birds, but the entire farm has to be tested for NPIP.
Is there a happy medium out there?
Laurie, it was great talking to you guys as well!

I just spent the whole day at school, and I had no class at all. Anyone see the shooting in Ceres? Well that was right by my house, and we had SWAT and every police car in this area surrounding my neighbor's house with rifles drawn. Then SWAT came to our house and searched all of our sheds and the pasture... left my gate open also, thank God my goats decided to stay inside.

All in All, no one got in and no one got out, so I was stuck at school! Crazy day, for sure.
Jordon you should have seen them all over my area.

They were all up and down Hatch and Crows Landing. Didn't even bother to go to the bank on Mitchell.

So happy that the purse was found! I was so upset for you. Things like that can make to feel so victimized and until it happens to you, people don't understand it.

Carrie? What roos do you have for sale? Have any of Bev's blues?
Jordon you should have seen them all over my area.

They were all up and down Hatch and Crows Landing. Didn't even bother to go to the bank on Mitchell.

So happy that the purse was found! I was so upset for you. Things like that can make to feel so victimized and until it happens to you, people don't understand it.

Carrie? What roos do you have for sale? Have any of Bev's blues?

It was insane! They actually came into the mudroom of our house. They cut through the fence to get in there. And the SWAT truck was parked out front with a guy on top with a huge rifle. It was crazy.
Think it was two weeks ago I was taking my big dog and the puppy out front and a truck was parked right at my drive. Then another showed up and parked across the driveway of the lady straight acrossed from me. I grabbed the dogs back in, because something just didn't feel right.

Brought them in and crated the pup and put my CC in the bathroom and went back out and the swat team poured out of a van across the street and they did their closed formation side step down the sidewalk to the house next to the ladies house. I came back in in case shots were fired. They broke the door in and raided them for drugs and being illegals. They were there for hours. No drugs and everyone was here legally.

I guess we have a neighbor that wanted to be a cop, so he's been turning all kinds of people in around here. Then he shows up with his chest out and hangs out with them acting like he's some detective. Thing is his information is always wrong and they're going after the nice people. I rarely go out there, but I know where the 3 drug dealers are living and since there's a drive by every week I know where the gang members live.

I swear when I get a way to do it I'm headed to the boonies. I'd go back to the Bay Area, but I couldn't afford to live in an area where I could have space and animals.

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