prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

A message from my sister this morning.

“Good morning! One of our firefighters just asked me if I could get everyone to pray for his friends daughter, Madeline. She is 7 and was diagnosed with a severe form of brain cancer. He said “I’m zero religious” but is asking for everyone to pray for a miracle. Let’s all pray for Madeline! For God’s mercy upon her! 🙏🏻 But let’s also pray for the family and the firefighter, so that God touches them as well! Have a blessed day!”

Let’s all pray for Madeline and her family!! 🙏 Thank you and God Bless every one of you!

Do you use unleavened bread and unfermented wine, (grape juice)?
We use red wine that gets mixed with hot water behind the altar and leavened bread. I actually baked 5 or 6 batches of the bread (prosphora) yesterday so we could freeze it and have it ready for lent. I only made half of what we need!

The prosphora baking is a duty done by parishioners in a lot of Orthodox churches. We have a dedicated “prosphora team” that has about 4 or 5 members. We rotate the duty as needed.
The fire is now 60% contained and they stopped the forward spread. Now if they can get it out or secured before the winds hit....

I've aged out of the requirement for fasting, and even though I was looking forward to that, it just doesn't feel right unless I do something. I had a good friend (may she rest in peace) who was Byzantine Catholic. She said she hated the 40 days of boiled vegetables, and she was in her early 80's, so I'm guessing they must not have the same age rules as we do?

glad to hear good news about fire. praying they stop it.

I have never heard of age for fasting - not that I know all I should.
A message from my sister this morning.

“Good morning! One of our firefighters just asked me if I could get everyone to pray for his friends daughter, Madeline. She is 7 and was diagnosed with a severe form of brain cancer. He said “I’m zero religious” but is asking for everyone to pray for a miracle. Let’s all pray for Madeline! For God’s mercy upon her! 🙏🏻 But let’s also pray for the family and the firefighter, so that God touches them as well! Have a blessed day!”

Let’s all pray for Madeline and her family!! 🙏 Thank you and God Bless every one of you!
Oh no! Praying!
Gnight! :frow
A message from my sister this morning.

“Good morning! One of our firefighters just asked me if I could get everyone to pray for his friends daughter, Madeline. She is 7 and was diagnosed with a severe form of brain cancer. He said “I’m zero religious” but is asking for everyone to pray for a miracle. Let’s all pray for Madeline! For God’s mercy upon her! 🙏🏻 But let’s also pray for the family and the firefighter, so that God touches them as well! Have a blessed day!”

Let’s all pray for Madeline and her family!! 🙏 Thank you and God Bless every one of you!
Of course, Ben. Tell your friend God's blessings are for everyone, religious or not, just like the sunshine and rain. ❤
We use red wine that gets mixed with hot water behind the altar and leavened bread. I actually baked 5 or 6 batches of the bread (prosphora) yesterday so we could freeze it and have it ready for lent. I only made half of what we need!

The prosphora baking is a duty done by parishioners in a lot of Orthodox churches. We have a dedicated “prosphora team” that has about 4 or 5 members. We rotate the duty as needed.
We use pure grape juice and serve it in little individual cups. The bread is unleavened, so like little whole wheat crackers. Only since covid we've been getting commercially prepared, sealed units.
I have a question for the Catholics, if I may. Please remember, I am here to learn. Even though I grew up Catholic, there is a lot I did not/ do not remember or understand. There was stuff we just did bc the Church told us to. On another thread, a guy mentioned (rather in jest, I thought) what he is giving up for Lent. I remember trying to do that, but I don't now remember why. He also mentioned meatless Fridays. I thought the Church ended that in the 60's after one of the Ecumenical Councils, or do I remember that wrong? They turned the altar around and started saying the Mass in English instead of Latin. I think I was about 10 years old, so it's pretty fuzzy in my mind. So my main question is, why give up anything for Lent? What is the purpose of that? Thank you.
Other denominations also practice lent. The Lutheran church in particular does though how strictly varies from church to church. I’ve also been to baptist church’s that while they didn’t require some sort of fast during lent they highly encouraged it.
Interesting, thanks. All meats? Including fish?

Do you use unleavened bread and unfermented wine, (grape juice)?
My current church uses grape juice instead of wine because of our drug and alcohol rehab. For us it would be a twofold temptation both for those in the rehab who chose to take communion, those graduated from it and for the church leaders who would have to purchase and pour the wine. I believe we use unleavened wafers but I’m struggling to remember since I don’t think I’ve taken communion at this church.
Our previous church used grape juice and unleavened wafers I do remember that since I nearly choked to death on one about 5 years ago:lau
The church I attended while living in NC used leavened bread and wine and everyone broke a piece off the leave and passed it and the goblet down the table.
My grandparents church (Lutheran) uses unleavened bread and has both wine and grape juice but encouraged wine over grape juice.

The various church’s Ive attended also took communion at different intervals. The baptist church’s and my current non denominational church usually only take communion at Passover. The church in NC took communion 4X a year. The Lutheran church does communion every Sunday morning.
Other denominations also practice lent. The Lutheran church in particular does though how strictly varies from church to church. I’ve also been to baptist church’s that while they didn’t require some sort of fast during lent they highly encouraged it.

My current church uses grape juice instead of wine because of our drug and alcohol rehab. For us it would be a twofold temptation both for those in the rehab who chose to take communion, those graduated from it and for the church leaders who would have to purchase and pour the wine. I believe we use unleavened wafers but I’m struggling to remember since I don’t think I’ve taken communion at this church.
Our previous church used grape juice and unleavened wafers I do remember that since I nearly choked to death on one about 5 years ago:lau
The church I attended while living in NC used leavened bread and wine and everyone broke a piece off the leave and passed it and the goblet down the table.
My grandparents church (Lutheran) uses unleavened bread and has both wine and grape juice but encouraged wine over grape juice.

The various church’s Ive attended also took communion at different intervals. The baptist church’s and my current non denominational church usually only take communion at Passover. The church in NC took communion 4X a year. The Lutheran church does communion every Sunday morning.
Cool, thanks, Arti! So many different ways to observe this beautiful custom. He said, "as often as you do this, do it in remembrance of me," but He didn't specify how often we should do it. So it's up to us, each denomination or church group, to decide for themselves how often that should be. As long as in doing it we remember Him and His sacrifice in our behalf.
A message from my sister this morning.

“Good morning! One of our firefighters just asked me if I could get everyone to pray for his friends daughter, Madeline. She is 7 and was diagnosed with a severe form of brain cancer. He said “I’m zero religious” but is asking for everyone to pray for a miracle. Let’s all pray for Madeline! For God’s mercy upon her! 🙏🏻 But let’s also pray for the family and the firefighter, so that God touches them as well! Have a blessed day!”

Let’s all pray for Madeline and her family!! 🙏 Thank you and God Bless every one of you!
Praying for Madeline and her family. Their situation is so heartbreaking.

There are no more updates on the fire, which means it's either out or no longer a threat. That was very quick. Thank you!

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