Pre chicken learning


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
Hi Everyone! I've been wanting chickens for a few years and have finally gotten the go ahead from my hubby : ) I live in Temecula, Ca. where it gets hot during the summers and I'm wanting to find chickens who will be a good match for the heat. I've been reading and learning all I can. Anyone who lives near me who has suggestions on local purchasing of chickens please let me know. I look forward to learning more from all of you and from this site. Thanks!
Greetings from Kansas, Farm4Suncee, and
! Great to have you in our community! Most chickens are pretty heat resilient if given cool water, shade, and breeze. Here is a link that provides a means of comparison for a lot of different breeds.

Also, you can connect with some locals in the CA thread of the link below. Good luck and enjoy your chickens!
In hotter climates people sometimes choose to have an open sided coop (wire sides instead of solid). You could also have solid panels to put over them when colder weather comes.

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