Predator attack! 2 free range hens missing!


Free Ranging
Nov 11, 2020
Appalachian Mountains
I'd let them all out an hour before the attack when I heard the roosters crowing non stop. Found most of my hens already in the coop or gathered around the roosters so I locked them all up and counted them .After finding 2 hens missing I searched everywhere but never found them. Only thing I found was a few feathers along the fence
Appalachian mountains.....what kind of predators are in your area? fox or coyote? Im in central AR so ive seen both do this....
After a bob cat attack in Nov I've kept them locked up (fortunately it didn't get any) Only recently I started free ranging again, a couple days a week 3-5 hrs a day).We have foxes and coyotes too thks
I am sorry about your hens. I believe there has to be a balance between allowing chickens (and ducks and geese) the freedom to forage and explore their world and the need to keep them safe.

My poultry is all securely housed at night and allowed out in a large fenced-in portion of the property, next to the house, only when I am home. The fences keep the birds in, but won't keep predators out.

Years ago, I lost three hens and a drake to a mink; I never want to experience that heartbreak and guilt again.

Predators ae everywhere. I hope you are able to keep all of your chickens both happy and safe.

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