Predator attacked!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 3, 2009
Drums, PA
Last night I the guineas refused to go in the pen and roosted in the Pine trees behind the coop. I got up this morning and noticed there was one missing from the flock running around the yard. I went to check out the area and found it at the base of the pine tree it was roosting in decapitated. The whole neck was pulled clear out of it and nothing else was missing. What do you think did it? Raccoon, Possum, or Owl. I dont think it was an owl due to where it was lying but I could be wrong. Raccoon maybe but I figure he would have ran off with the whole bird. I am leaning to a possum. I chopped up the remaining bird and put it in a trap to see what I catch. I also have redtail hawks around the area but I believe this was killed at night or very early morning. I will update my catch when the varmint returns for the rest of his meal.
One good thing the birds went in the coop tonight.
I'm no help
maybe someone else can.
I would say owl, since the head was not eaten, just 'dislocated'. Also because it happened at night. The owl probably got scared away by something after killing the bird.

Edit: predatory birds are known for pulling the heads off their pray before taking it, the head is basically useless to them, and is just extra weight.
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I vote owl- I had a problem last spring where all that would be eaten was the head (also the only thing that would fit through the fence)- bigger chicks and my meat birds (butchering size!!). Never could catch anything in a trap, until finally one night I heard the coop door rattle and the hens start squawking as I was brushing my teeth. Woke my husband (hoping we had finally caught something), went out and found a barred owl in my coop. He/it had broken a pane of glass out the old door and was getting ready to pick its next victim. We caught it and relocated it far away (50 miles south). It hasn't returned, but predators sill show up looking for chicken...
be careful if you have hawks around try not to have ezsposed bait that can be seen from above exsposed bait in most places is against the law ,without the proper depradtion permits trapping birds of prey is against the law as well good luck with the predator

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