Predator issue


5 Years
Jan 9, 2015
This morning I went out doing my daily morning shores to find all of my turkeys escape their pen but were still contained in my huge fence. I went to their pen.. seems something entered their pen and caught one there are feathers from one side of the pen to the other. when it caught it, it tore the head off and then feasted upon it, in the back corner of their pen were no dog could intimate them. If it helps to identify the predator ate the guts big hole in the side of her....I have only ever seen possums and coons. skunks but years ago. there has been alot of house and business build up around the area so I rarely see these animals like i once did roaming.

Their pen is about 240 square feet no roof as their area is pretty big to roof plus they have a couple fruit trees in their for shade and climbing fun.. the back wall of their pen is my 6ft chain-link and i affixed hardware wire on it with an apron and removed the top running poles on that area so it would be shaky. I read predators don't like to climb over or on shaky things;but, what ever it was scaled that part of the fence.

The other 3 sides of their pen is electric 6ft high. I have hardware cloth staked just on the inside of the electric wire with an apron to prevent dig in as well And i did a big boo boo by not running any hot wire on my chain link :(

Should I run the hot wire on the outside and a couple strands at the top? or do multiple strands using these on the outside of the chainlink??

I know this predator is coming back, the predator can feast peacefully in that pen area. My guardian dog cannot get in there he watches my sheep and my other dogs also cannot get in the run anything out. I have a puppy in training so letting her around birds 24/7 i dont trust yet. So i put them in there at night or when I am not home..I know she had no way in plus this AM she and my guardian dog were peacefully watching over them and the sheep..I am thinking thank goodness they escaped to where the dogs are or else I might have lost more.

I am thinking to set a trap on the rear side of that chainlink tonight what is a good bait...or should i use the remains of the turkey..

Tonight i am tossing them in my chickens pen that is completely contained with a roof until i catch what ever is hunting my pretty birds.

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