predator on two legs (may offend some)

If a person came to me that needed food to feed themselves or their family, I would give them anything I have to help esp a couple of my hens including helping them start their own egg laying flock, if a needy person came onto my property and tried to take my chickens without me knowing their need, then they would have to explain their situation in front of a judge.

Their are many options for a person in need and stealing isn't one of them, I think taking a shotgun loaded w/t rock salt isn't something I personally would wouldn't do as in todays world, the legal system could easily turn on you but I have the means and the ablity to assure a intruder that they will be held accountable without risking physical harm on them; don't get me wrong, if it's a matter of them or me or my family, then they are going down with no option to explain their side of the story to a judge.
If I'm over the top here, let me know, but anytime somebody is stealing something from someone they will make any excuse to clear themselves. I couldn't help wondering if maybe them stealing those hens wasn't for food, but (God forbid) other reasons. Like for there own satanic rituals. Believe it not, there are all kinds of people coming into our country and they all have different religions and such and I've been hearing alot of animal mutulations especially with chickens and goats.

I'm sorry if I sound "out there" but it happens. And alot of times it is rituals with innocent creatures like chickens and goats, let alone household pets like cats etc.

I truly hope he was hungry, I'd be more forgiving, but otherwise, I don't know...I'd keep my pistol handy.
I've given food to homeless people on the streets in Raleigh (the big city). I WILL NOT give them money. I know the money will just go to beer or crack. If that guy was able to catch chickens then he's able to go out and get a job. There are people in Raleigh that live in communities in the woods that want to live in the woods. Most of them have jobs...and others beg on the streets full time. I know someone who worked at a walmart who said the homeless people would come out and buy sleeping bags and outdoor showers for their "homeless community". That's just so stupid to me.

I dare someone to come onto my property and try to steal from me. It's called trespassing and I don't care if you are homeless you have no right to steal from me when I WORK for what I have. They'd regret the day they tried to steal from a redneck woman with a shotgun loaded and ready!!!
I would've done the same thing! Stealing is one of those things that just GETS under my skin and makes it crawl. There are so many other ways to get the things you need. Just as most of you said, JUST ASK -don't take.

I agree 100% with you Southernchick........if the guy could run around chasing and catching chickens and could speak english too apparently, why not just find some work. Sheesh some people these days.

When I used to work downtown (big city) I always saw the same homeless lady everyday at lunchtime, so I started making 2 sandwiches instead of 1 and she was always SO happy and thankful just for a sandwich. She never asked for anything either, I just offered because I could see she needed it.
LOL... fox trapper have you ever been shot personally by a rockshot or have you ever used them??? This guys theory to me is baffleing... Considering he is not using a LIVE person.... rockshots do work!!! Especially on dogs (including the human kind)!!!
For anyone that doesn't believe rock salt will break the skin and sting like hello, they are welcome to stand out between 10 & 15 yards from me and give me a free shot. The way they loaded the shells for their test is not the way to load the shells. I will try to contact the testing person and tell him how to load the shells. Then if he is still a non believer, I will offer him the chance to stand off 15 yards and see if his is not lit up. I have been on both ends of rock salt and I can tell you it does sting and continues to sting for some time.

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