Predators and Window Screens


10 Years
May 4, 2012
I feel like a new mom who just had a baby. We put our 6 week old guineas in their new coop this weekend. Everything is secure except for the windows. We purchased the coop, on one side are nest boxes with slanted lids, above these are two small windows, with regular window screens. Reading that raccoons and possums go after chickens and guineas, do I need to worry about them going through the screens?

Yes, more so raccoons than possums, but all predators can and will be very clever.
Might want to cover with hardware cloth.

Imp- beautiful coop & welcome to BYC
Thank you, I'll be closing the windows to a crack at night until we can get the screens covered. I did close them last night and even put something heavy on the nest lids till I get latches. After all this time from hatching the eggs, I can't stand the thought of something getting them!
I would close them fully until you get the hardware cloth to cover them. Raccoons are surprisingly strong and could easily push the windows up. My silkies and peahens are in a converted shed and I installed a few storm windows. I continued to close the windows every night until I got hardware cloth. You are doing all the right precautions though so have fun with your guineas!
Make sure when you get the latches to get the ones with little springs that keep them closed. Raccoons can work the regular hook and eye latches.

Makes me want to break their little thumbs!

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