Preferred BLR Color?


11 Years
Mar 7, 2008
What do you prefer in your Blue Laced Red flock? Most of the pictures I see from breeders are of dark blue birds, but the current work-in-progress standard calls for a medium blue (the BYC article calls it "pigeon blue").
I like this color the best.

Picture of a extra roo I have.
This roo is 4 months old.
There has been a WIP standard for them for a while now. You can find it here: standard.html along with a few other tidbits of information.

Acid, "the pretty blue" seems to be awfully subjective

The problem seems to be that almost everyone I have spoken with really likes dark birds. I have a few dark birds in my flock, but the majority are the lighter "pigeon blue." They aren't officially Splash - they are the actual Blue, only a medium to medium-light in color. The idea seems to be to have a shade of blue light enough to get that sharp contrast between blue and red. I don't think I've ever seen anyone sell hatching eggs with pictures of lighter birds - intentionally lighter birds, not just a picture of a Splash here and there.
Here is my hen. She isn't real dark, but she isn't real light (at least I don't think so). You can tell a definite difference between her and my splash roo.


And, IMO, the "pigeon blue" is what a splash BLRW looks like.

ETA: She looks dark in this because she is in the coop. She isn't that dark when she is outside.
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Here is my hen. She isn't real dark, but she isn't real light (at least I don't think so). You can tell a definite difference between her and my splash roo.

That looks like a gold-laced to me - or are the colors in the pic wayyyyyyy off?​
When getting a new variety into the APA it is up to a group of breeders to work together to reach the desired colors so that the birds look somewhat the same in color and type no matter what part of the USA they are shown at. The link you gave is just one breeders opinion on how the BLRWs should look. I know there has been talk about the blue color matching the blue Wyandottes. The Wyandotte Breeders of America Club will play a big part in getting the BLRWs into the APA. The website is if you are interested in joining the club and getting connected with other BLRW breeders.

You have to have a group of no less than 5 breeders that have bred the BLRWs for at least 5 years. Here is a link to the requirements
Here is a powder blue colored BLRW....Some will call her splash and some will call her blue........I like this color, but also like the dark blue.


Here is a pair of GLWs from Duane Urch..they are in the quarantine pen so they are a little cramped. The are Colbys birds.....hope she doesn't mind me posting a picture....they are very pretty.



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