Pregnant barn cat *update* We have kittens!

rrrmamma - Aww they are adorable
, Just wondering what color was the papa? How neat that they are all marmalade in color, do you know the sex of the kittens yet?

LaynaDon - How is Jack? Did she have any kittens yet? Please don't keep us in suspense we need to know, the suspense is killing us!
Here are the pics of Muffin's babies.


They are so cute!!
Sorry, I was gone from Thursday through Monday. I've been too busy to get on until now.

How does Mama do with them? Does she let you handle them at all?
Jack hasn't had any babies yet. We are suspecting she is about 6 1/2 weeks at this point. 2 1/2 to 3 weeks to go! I'm getting so impatient! I wanna see baby kittens! Muffin did a good job. Her babies are adorable. :)
I think we have 3 boys and 2 girls. The lightest one is most likely as girl. She has the bullseye on her head like Muff and the same striped tale. We are not sure of the Dad as she was probably pregnant when we got her from a neighbor. There is a big marmalade tom that roams so he is probably the culprit. We don't know who owns him or if he is feral. We can't get close to him. She was a great Mom and I can handle them for a brief period of time. Thats why I'm not sure of the sexes. If she catches me looking at them she wraps her paws over the whole pile of kittens. I am leaving for CA for an indetermined time. I am at the airport now. My Mom is very ill and I am going back to arrange for her care. I will miss the little ones and will not be there when they open their eyes. DH promised to send me daily pics though.
I am leaving for CA for an indetermined time. I am at the airport now. My Mom is very ill and I am going back to arrange for her care. I will miss the little ones and will not be there when they open their eyes. DH promised to send me daily pics though.

So sorry to hear of your mother's illness - sending good thoughts your way and hers. Maybe the kitten pics will help you both.
Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers. Mom seems to be doing a little better. Some sad news when I talked to DH tonight. The smallest of Muffin's kittens didn't make it. He found it this evening when he checked on her. She had moved it to a corner of her nest box. I hate not being there,but caring for Mom takes precedence.
Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers. Mom seems to be doing a little better. Some sad news when I talked to DH tonight. The smallest of Muffin's kittens didn't make it. He found it this evening when he checked on her. She had moved it to a corner of her nest box. I hate not being there,but caring for Mom takes precedence.

I'm glad your mom seems to be doing okay. I'm sorry about the kitten. That's very sad.

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