Preliminary necropsy results for gasping hen bad news

I was under the impression that Marek's could be positively identified by PCR testing of suspect tissue, like that discussed in the heart and spleen of your pullet, so I was expecting to see some mention of that in the final report, but perhaps if they have a clear cause of death, then maybe they don't investigate other issues.
Yes that it certainly is a fantastic service and amazing value. You are lucky to live in an area where there is such a great facility.

We don't get a lot of snow, it's usually damp and muddy through the winter (and most of the summer if I am honest :hmm) and hovers around freezing. It is a few years since we had such a protracted downfall of snow and sub zero temps. and particularly hard to take when the preceding weather was so unusually glorious. I would not mind for myself, but the chickens are really not enjoying it and will not go out in it. Thankfully my horses are not such wimps and enjoy playing and rolling in it but keeping water liquid in all my pens and stables is proving challenging.

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