Premier 1 poultry netting - Pros and cons for a run extension?

Crazy Maizie

Free Ranging
Jul 3, 2020
We have had a fox showing up on the camera the last few weeks. A few months ago, a fox took one of my ducks. A few days ago, I lost a duck to something in the corn field. We have a decent sized run. But, my ducks love to forage. If I set up a premier 1 electric poultry net - would it keep a fox away? Couldn't it jump over if it really wanted to? I understand that aerial predators could still get in, but when the ducks free range and we aren't having issues with aerial predators.
Is electrified netting only to keep poultry in?
My flock would be locked up in the evenings and all night, but during the day I want to give them the ability to forage.

I'd like to hear from those that use it or similar netting. Thanks!
We use that netting. Yes, in theory a fox could leap over it as ours is 4' high, I believe. The hope is that they come up to the fence and investigate with their nose first so they get a good shock, as that is what will deter them in the future.
So far, we have had no issues from predators with our ducks, but have lost some chickens who free range.
We use that netting. Yes, in theory a fox could leap over it as ours is 4' high, I believe. The hope is that they come up to the fence and investigate with their nose first so they get a good shock, as that is what will deter them in the future.
So far, we have had no issues from predators with our ducks, but have lost some chickens who free range.
That is what happened with the fox and the wire around our run. It won't go near the run area - but I've seen it get just close enough (on camera). So that's good to hear that it would investigate first.
I use electric wires with a powerful fence charger. Nothing has gotten past the hot wires. Since you free range maybe this will help. Good luck...
Good article. After reading the comments, it sounds like the 2 line electric wire would work well for chickens, but for ducks the netting is still the way to go. The ducks are more insulated so the electric wire doesn't contain them. It would work for keeping predators out for the most part. But, even the author stated that for stubborn predators the electric netting would be the better route.

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