Prepping FLOUR tortillas


10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
Mt Airy, NC
How do you prep your flour tortillas for making things like breakfast burritos or bean/beef burritos, etc?

For corn tortillas, I always heat in a tiny skiff of oil in a skillet, flip and do the other side. This softens them and makes them roll-up nicer, improves flavor.

But what about flour tortillas? I've used them "plain", just roll them around whatever - but they seem to be lacking something. I've tried the same method as the corn tortilas, but that doesn't seem quite right either for the flour ones.

Ideas please!
I just take my cast iron and heat it up on 7 ot 8 and when it is very hot place one down and flip after 10-15 seconds.

Homemade tortillas are really worth the trouble but if I am buying ready made, HEB brand has really good "home style" tortillas.


when you buy tortillas, you should seperate them (so they don't stick) and keep them in the bag in the icebox. They keep very well this way.
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sooo, ya feel like sharing your recepie?? i do corn all the time,, easie pisie,, but not done flour and that's what hubby really loves... Thanks if ya do :)
Here's my flour tortilla recipe from my blog I always make these now. I rewarm in the microwave or doing so in a skillet would work, too. I agree that they are worth making from scratch! Just made some last night.

2 1/4 cups flour
3/4 tsp salt
3 TBSP shortening
3/4 cup lukewarm water

You will need a pan (a cast iron pan is suggested, but I use a flat square nonstick Calphalon pan) that you can place the tortillas on. You do not use any oil or fat -- they are cooking dry. So think about this when you are choosing a pan.
In a medium bowl mix flour and salt. Cut in shortening with a knife. Mix in half of the water. Add the rest. It may seem a little dry, but you should be able to form it into a ball. Knead on a lightly floured surface for a minute or two. Let sit for twenty minutes back in the mixing bowl (I do cover with a towel). On a lightly floured surface, cut dough into 10-12 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a ball. Roll each ball into a circle -- about 8-10 inches depending on how many pieces you made. Cook each tortilla on a very hot pan -- it only takes a small amount of time for each side (maybe 30 - 45 seconds). Flip tortilla when "bubbles" form and it is browned; do the same to the other side.
These do store in the refrigerator well. I have not froze any yet, but am sure the tortillas would be fine.

It was suggested to roll each one out onto it's own piece of wax paper. If you are going to roll them all out at once and then cook them then I'd do it this way (wax paper will keep each tortilla dough round from sticking to each other). If you are like me and roll one out and place it on your hot pan. And roll another while that one is cooking. You can just roll it out onto your slightly floured counter.
My mother in law taught me that if you add half a tsp of baking powder to the mix, you have the recipe for sopapillas.

You just heat some lard over medium high, and roll out your tortillas, cut them in 4 and drop in the hot oil.

They will puff up and be soooo good with some honey.
alton brown on the food channel keeps his warm with a heating pad....and misted them with either water or oil and rubbed it around when stacked them so they don't stick he did not say what he used though
Yesterday I just heated a stack of store bought ones, covered by a paper towel, in the microwave. That worked fine. Thanks, OregonChickenGal.

But I will try making some from stratch. I'm sure they're delicious and, as with everything else, way better than store bought. Thanks for the recipe, ChikeeMomma

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