Prescription treatment website FOR POULTRY

Glenda Heywoodo

Dec 19, 2016
Cassville Missouri
I have been doing some investigation into where to find out about,

What drugs are safe for poultry.

Prescription treatment website FOR POULTRY

This is what I found when putting the title into the browser:

List of medications is to be looked at by using this url:

Medicine Chart for Chickens & other Poultry

Info on this Chicken Medicine Chart is revised with updates periodically. Re-check for new info here each time you use a medicine.
This list of many medications for birds includes SOME information on diseases treated, treatment notes & places to buy.
- Medicine classes are noted to help identify more similar & very different drugs. -

Disclaimer: Information on this website is gathered from many sources by a lay individual. It may not be accurate or complete. It should not necessarily be considered expert advice. Some medicine uses below are off-label & not USDA-approved. Further advice from a veterinarian who has backyard chicken experience might be helpful.
Use this site as a starting place to learn about possible medicines, so you can also look up specific information from other sources.

This list of many medications for birds includes SOME information on diseases treated, treatment notes & places to buy, but this information is not comprehensive.
It is important to diagnose your bird's disease as accurately as you can and learn about effective treatments, as well as learn specific instructions for any medication.
** Visit the More Resources section for excellent tools for helping diagnose diseases and health problems! ** Updated March 2017.

Make sure the medicine matches:
Type and strain of disease --- Try for best diagnosis of disease using lists of symptoms or relevant tests by a vet or lab (Find a lab by typing "vet diagnostic lab" & your state's name in a search engine). In some cases, a specific medicine is only effective or more effective for a specific strain of a disease. If you have the opportunity to get relevant lab tests done, these can help narrow down which meds may be best to treat your bird's particular strain of a disease.
Medicine classes are noted below to help identify more similar & very different drugs. If a medicine you use isn't effective enough and it becomes essential to use a second one, it is generally recommended that you choose one from a different class of medicines.
Type, age and purpose of your bird --- Chick, Adolescent, Laying Hen, Rooster, Breeder, Meat Bird, or Pet
Species of your bird --- Chicken, Duck, Turkey, Goose, Pheasant, Pigeon, Quail, or Dove (or exotic bird). Some meds are safe for some species but damaging to others.

Make sure you find out correct administration:
Dose: Number of ounces, mg's, cc's (Note: 1 ml = 1 cc = 1/5 tsp), etc. [Note: Doses listed below are generally for a 5 lb (2.27 kg) chicken]
Dosage Timing: Frequency and Duration • Medication Form: Powder, Pre-mixed Liquid, etc.
Administration Method: Orally thru Diabetic Syringe with needle removed or Eyedropper, Intramuscular Injection, Subcutaneous Injection, Mixed into Feed or Water, Applied on Skin, etc.
DO NOT OVER-TREAT! Try to appropriately limit medications to minimize negative effects, including problems listed below. However, do not under-treat, because that may allow bacteria or parasites to build resistance to meds and be harder to kill off later.
Loss of "good bacteria" in digestive tract: Some treatments can cause decreases in disease-fighting "good bacteria" so you also may want to help replace it by feeding probiotics found in powder from probiotic or acidophilus supplements, or in buttermilk or unflavored yogurt. Probiotics are most commonly given after antibiotic treatment, but giving them during treatment is also very beneficial, though administrations of probiotics and antibiotics should be spaced at least 2 hours apart..
Kidney Damage: Some medications can also build damage in kidneys, especially when over-used. You can use kidney cleansing foods/products to help reduce risks.

The chart is now sortable by clicking the title at the top of each column.

Note: The chart below is not displaying correctly for many people (especially the far-right "Notes" column that lists dose amounts and recommendations. Some temporary possible solutions you can try:
  • On touch screens: To scroll columns side-to-side, touch text in chart & slide left or right.
  • On non-touch screens: Go down to the very bottom of the chart/list. There is a slider bar right beneath it that you can use to move the columns left or right.
  • or Copy & paste chart contents into a separate document.
  1. Click your cursor in the left column above the section you are interested in. Hold down the shift key & then click in the left column below the section desired section, OR click & drag your cursor over the desired section to highlight it.
  2. Copy the section. (If using a PC, select 'Copy' from your top 'Edit' menu, or right-click & select 'Copy'.)
  3. Open a blank document in word processing program such as Microsoft Word. Paste the section into the document. (If using a PC, select 'Paste' from your top 'Edit' menu, or right-click & select 'Paste'.)
  • or Open this webpage in Mozilla Firefox on a wide-screen monitor.

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