Prettiest Duck Contest!

Beautiful ducks guys! I've never seen a call like Bean, the name suits her! And Marshall is stunning, his bill is amazing.
Thank you so much!

Wow, @Amykins
 and @TamingMaster, your ducks are by turns both adorable and stunning! Might I add that I'm DYING to kiss Bean's little face? :love


X2! And squeeze his cheeks!!

I am in love with those calls.... :drool

I don't have any ducks right now, and my only pictures aren't very good of the ones I used to have. :(
So I'll just lurk and look at the adorable pictures..
Name: Doesn't have one yet.
Breed: Blue Swedish.
Age: almost 2 months.
Other Information: Ummm nothing of interest

Name: Mac.
Breed: Cayuga.
Age: Same as above.
Other information: Is my favorite.

Name: Does not have one.
Breed: Pekin.
Age: Same as before.
Other information. Likes to stuff himself/herself to over full

Name: I think my niece or nephew named her/him but I don't remember it.
Breed: Blue Swedish.
Age Same.
Other information: It is the only crested Blue Swedish and used to have a crooked neck.

Name: Ain't got one.
Breed: Crested Mallard.
Age: Ditto.
Other information:Is the only Mallard.

Name: Ditto as well.
Breed: Cayuga.
Age: Same again.
Other information: Is the boss.
@AimToMisbehave , I must say that you are so awesome!
Your duck terminology, like wingalings, has never failed to make me smile. I can see just how much you love your duckies through the bubbly way you describe them!

Oh, and Azula is quite the handsome man.

Wow, @Amykins and @TamingMaster, your ducks are by turns both adorable and stunning! Might I add that I'm DYING to kiss Bean's little face?


Aww, thanks Alex! Yes, she's quite kissable. I can't stand those chubby cheeks, she and Wobbles get muchas smoochums from me whether they like it or not!

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