Prettiest Duck Contest!

, I must say that you are so awesome! :D  Your duck terminology, like wingalings, has never failed to make me smile. I can see just how much you love your duckies through the bubbly way you describe them!

Oh, and Azula is quite the handsome man. :p


Thank you! I do love them! My silly little peepers ♡

I told him you said so and he wonked at me and waggled his tail :D
Lol, guys seem to do that. I gave my canary Taco (male) a mirror, and he feeds it and rubs head against it and pretty much is obsessed with himself... Lol
Aww, thanks Alex! Yes, she's quite kissable. I can't stand those chubby cheeks, she and Wobbles get muchas smoochums from me whether they like it or not!
Calls are ridiculously adorable, so how can you help it?
I would do the same if I were in your shoes!

Lol, guys seem to do that. I gave my canary Taco (male) a mirror, and he feeds it and rubs head against it and pretty much is obsessed with himself... Lol

My female cockatiel, Pookie, licks all the mirrors in our house. XD She hates her reflection though. :p
Alright! Winner are...
1st- Marshall! (His bill is so gorgeous)
2nd- Bean!
3- Azula!

Runner up is...
The Mandarin boys!

Great job everyone! I adore those white calls as well! Hope there's a another waterfowl contest, I want to enter Elliot!
Alright! Winner are...
1st- Marshall! (His bill is so gorgeous)
2nd- Bean!
3- Azula!

Runner up is...
The Mandarin boys!

Great job everyone! I adore those white calls as well! Hope there's a another waterfowl contest, I want to enter Elliot!

Congratulations to the winners. :D

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