Prettiest EE Show ***RESULTS***

An Easter Egger can have any color legs that any other chicken can have. There is no breed standard for an EE. The genetics of leg color has absolutely no connection to egg color.
Here's mine!
Age:1 year old
Category:Hansomest Rooster
Backround of the Bird:Ordered from Ideal as a pullet, surprise!
Describe the Pic in 5 words or Less:Aren't I Handsome?

Name:Kentucky Derby (also know as KD, she is in the very front)
Age:1 Year old
Category:prettiest Hen
Backround of the Bird:She as a chick ran laps around the brooder and jumped over anyone in her way

Describe the Pic in 5 words or Less: Hanging with my gang.

Age:1 year old
Category:prettiest Hen
Backround of the Bird:As a chick she looked like a little owl with circles around her eyes
Describe the Pic in 5 words or Less:I'm bored.

Age:10wks, but 9wks in this pic
Category:prettiest Pullet
Backround of the Bird:I hatched her in my first hatch ever!
Describe the Pic in 5 words or Less:Get ready, get set, Go!

Age:10wks, but 9wks in this pic
Category:prettiest pullet (I think that's what she is)
Backround of the Bird:Same as above
Describe the Pic in 5 words or Less:Hanging out

Name NA
Age same as above
Category same as above
Backround of the Bird same as above
Describe the Pic in 5 words or Less: what are you looking at!

Name NA
Age: same as above
Category:Hansomest Cockerel
Backround of the Bird: same as above
Describe the Pic in 5 words or Less: Hanging in the shade

Name NA
Age: same as above
Category Hansomest Cockerel
Backround of the Bird: same
Describe the Pic in 5 words or Less: Yoga!
Name: Heartley
Age: 13 weeks
Category: Prettiest pullet (I think that's what she is)
Backround of the Bird: One of 5 EE purchased this year Very fast runner
Describe the Pic in 5 words or Less: (1)Playing in the water....looking for bugs and (2)hanging in the coop


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I'm in!

Name: Smokey
Age: 10 weeks
Category: Prettiest Pullet
Background: Hatched out myself at home!
Description of photo: Yummy diet leftovers!!!!


Here is another shot of her feathers...
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Name: not sure yet (any suggestions?)
Age: 16 hours
Category: Cutest baby
Background: Momma is an EE that I got from our local animal shelter. Daddy is a blue cuckoo maran. I live in town and not supose to have roosters.
But I kept him long enough to get a bunch of fertile eggs.
I rehomed daddy last week. I had two hatch yesterday. I'm such a proud momma.
Description: Fresh out of the bator (my first hatch ever)

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Name: Chipy(Yes, original for an EE I know but she is a fav of the kids)
Age: @15 weeks in photo
Category: Prettiest Pullet
Backround of the Bird: The only single combed tan/grey chick from quite a few hatches of Marans/Ameraucanas in which every other chick is black or blue cuckoo.
Describe the Pic in 5 words or Less: Enjoying the Herb Garden



For Nu Chicks to compare her chick to:
Chipy as a chick

the other Cuckoos
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Name: Pink (for the singer)
Age: 3wks
Catagory: prettiest chick
Background: I took pity on her while picking up feed for the big girls, same old story!

Description: I'm prettier than any flower

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