Preventing Calcium Deposits???


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 6, 2008
E. Washington
Does anyone know how to prevent calcium deposits on egg shells?
We sell our eggs but don't sell the "imperfect" ones, so the deposits put a cramp in how many we sell.

Any ideas ?
I wouldn't think there was a way to prevent it. It's just what the hens do. I would sell them just the same unless your customers mention they don't like those. I would imagine the only way to prevent calcium deposits would be to withhold calcium, but then you might get egg with no shell at all. LOL. Betcha couldn't sell those!

There may be someone who has an idea, I know I don't have any.

It's interesting that we only get a couple of eggs that way a day. I wonder if it's the same hens laying those eggs?
We do give the hens oyster shell...but like you said, if we withheld the calcium, they would be worse off.
I also get calcium deposits on a certain green egg every now and then. I too wouldn't withhold the calcium. Maybe that certain hen is a calcium horder.
I've heard that certain Ameraucana hens are notorious for it. Usually it is the same hens, but not always.

Someone said that they took away their oyster shell and the calcium deposits went away for a couple of days, but once they refilled their oyster shell, the deposits came back.

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What do calcium deposits look like? I have RIRs and on their eggs there are sometimes darker brown speckles all over the eggs, that will rub off, with some vigorous rubbing, lol. Are these calcuim deposits? If so, I would sell them with them, they are pretty.
I would just go ahead and sell them.
Most people buying farm eggs are fine with (happy even) those little imperfections that remind you these are NOT factory eggs. My EE is bad for them, and I get them occasionally from some of my other girls. I think it is just one of those "these are REAL hens laying REAL eggs" kinda things.
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