Pride of the Serangheti. A lion pride RPG *Needs members*

Hasshi looked at Riko "Call your friends" said Hasshi with a evil smile

Riko sighed and let out a roar. then in the distance hyenas were coming "There" said Riko he remember the war that almost kill him.

Hemaki could heard Hyenas and came running out of his den seeing hyenas were coming "Riko what did you do!!!!" growled Hemaki

Nuka heard rumbling then saw hyenas running toward Kopa's pride "Oh no Riko was called the Hyenas and if he does it again then the leader of the Hyenas will come" said Nuka.

Zira growled." And blood shall be shed." She said running toward the Helena's and for the first time, stepping until the Pridelands.
Kopa let out an angry roar. "Riko, call them off" he growled. "Dad, Hasshi made Riko call the hyenas" he quickly explained. "Not Riko's fault"

"Get in your den. Everyone!" Kopa roared to his pride.

Kopa let out an angry roar. "Riko, call them off" he growled. "Dad, Hasshi made Riko call the hyenas" he quickly explained. "Not Riko's fault"
Riko looked at the Hyenas then opened his mouth to call them off.

Hasshi hit Riko to the ground "Don't you dare call them off or I'll kill you and they'll listen to me" said Hasshi

Hemaki stood up "I'm not backing away from this fight. I fought them a long time ago I can fight them now" said Hemaki growling at the Hyenas
Roxy looked at all the Hyenas "This is not good" she said.

Calla looked around and saw Hyenas coming towards them, she looked at Kopa.
Nuka nodded "what do we do?" asked Nuka

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