problem getting chickens back in the coop


10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
middle Tennessee
Up until now they've been great- every evening I'd just go down and shut the door and all 17 would be in there all settled for bed, but the last couple of days it's been a battle and tonight I don't think I can get them in there. -they're free range obviously, or I wouldn't have this problem. I know a run is a good idea but I got them for tick eating purposes and chickens in a run don't do me any good as far as cleaning up the ticks around the house.

Any suggestions? They come for treats sometimes but being Hamburgs, they're pretty independent and just aren't THAT motivated by treats. Plus they get all the tasty bugs they can find out in the woods. If I can get them all back in the coop would it be a good idea maybe to keep them shut in there for a few days so they can "reset" that as home?

Is there something that is spooking them about the coop? Have you checked in there carefully? A snake maybe.
Is it too hot in the coop?
If everything is normal, nothing to have spooked them and it's not too hot in there you might have to put them in lockdown again to re-train their little brains.
P.S. I don't think a run is always the best way. It depends on your situation. My chickens are free range and will always be free range.
Mine are doing the same thing! I was at my wits end trying to get them in this evening. My husband came with the rake to shoo them in, and they still ran in circles. Maybe it's the time of year, enjoying the summer.
I was having this problem with my "teenagers" and I got great advice from a fellow BYC'er. (Thanks again Jim...

Leave a light on in the coop, and when it gets nearly dark they will gravitate to the coop and the light.

Now, about an hour before sunset I turn on the coop light and at sunset they file right in and go straight up onto their roost.

No treats, no tricks, no stress, (no rakes!
), no problem. Turn out the light, close the door, goodnight girls!


I agree with the person who said something might be wrong with the coop. I know some mites only come out at night and the chickens are restless because they know that they will be bitten. Check the coop at night with a flashlight. Especially on the roosting poles.

Let us know what you find.
You guys are SO helpful!! I admit I was half expecting comments such as "Build them a run and then you won't have that problem" but I should have known it would be brilliance!

I had to leave to teach a lesson this evening and when I came back it was dark and all except 2 were in the coop. I had left the light on accidentally- I'm happy to hear that's a good thing to do! And as for checking for mites and things that's a great idea too. It's not very breezy in there these days just because of the weather and the fact that we're in the woods so not many breezes get through anyway but I had been thinking of putting a fan in there. I'll do that tomorrow for sure- that may be part of it right there.

Hopefully the two will make it through the night and tomorrow I have to be gone for much of the day- I might just leave them in the coop all day with stuff to scratch around in and a fan and all and maybe the two will want in too.

Well more of them had been sleeping outside lately but this morning when the outside ones had gone in and the inside ones hadn't yet gone out I noticed that all 17 happened to be inside, so I quietly shut the doors and I think I'll keep them in there a few days. I'll bring them some yummy veggies and maybe even go get some crickets from the fishing shack up the road so they don't think it's too terrible being stuck in there. I did try the light thing, and I put some DE down in case it is mites, hopefully that will help.

Thanks guys!
I used the light technique and it trained them well, until this past week. They started perching up on my deck near the big maple tree. I had to carry them down into the coop and shut them in...usually don't even close the door...they've gone summer crazy! I'll keep using the light, and "putting them to bed" as we call it!

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