Problem to add a young rooster to a flock of 7 young hens?


13 Years
May 17, 2011
Schuyler Lake NY
We got 4 SLWs and 3 red mix hens in May. They are about 20 weeks old now, and in a spacious coop with a large outside run.

We met a wonderful woman who has a large property with about 80 free-ranging chickens. She has one young, "really sweet" rooster she wants us to have, as she said he will protect the girls as he gets older. And they can protect him while he is still young. We had been thinking about getting a rooster, but wanted to see how we did with just the egg-laying girls. Someone just laid the first egg last night!!!!

Would this be a good time to introduce a roo to the young ladies? Or should I wait awhile until they are all laying?
How young is he? Is he of similar size as your hens? If not they won't protect him, they'll bully him to the bottom of the pecking order. I recently added a young barred rock rooster (about 16 weeks old) to my flock after my other rooster was killed by dogs. He's big but he doesn't yet know he's a roo so he was put in his place by my older hens. They didn't hurt him since he's as big as they are (and going to be bigger) but they made it very clear who is in charge.

I like having a rooster with my flock and highly recommend one for those who can have one, but you should also keep in mind that, depending on age, the "sweet rooster" of today may turn into an annoying teenage hormone-laden idiot in the near future. This change can be temporary or permanent; there is plenty of advice on here about how to handle roos. Just didn't want you to be surprised. That being said I think a good rooster is worth his weight in gold.

Oh- and congratulations on your first egg!!! It's a great feeling, isn't it?

edited to add- PLEASE remember to quarantine any new birds away from your flock for at least 30 days (no visiting among the birds allowed!) to avoid tracking in pests or diseases to your currently closed flock
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Hehe! It's OK if he becomes an annoying idiot, we have lots of space and lots of patience, and more importantly, no close neighbors!

I would say that he is younger than they are, and a bit smaller but not by much. The SLWs are definitely the bullies in the crowd, but they don't seem to bother the reds, just let them know who's the boss. If they bully him too much, I suppose I could separate him until he gets big enough to protect himself...

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