problem with a hen


8 Years
Jun 21, 2011
one of my hens about 1 year old, has a "bald" spot on her rear end, about 1 1/2" diameter, and has runny poo. Any ideas?
HELP! I have one with the same issue! was just about to post this. her comb is also droopy and looks bloody at the tips. she seems very lethargic. and the other hens seem to pecking at her butt.... Not sure if its runny poo or some kind of mucus on her...
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Can no one help with this issue? I checked and did not seem to see any signs of bugs or crawly things, but the bald area is larger than I thought, more like 3 inches in diameter. You can only see the top part of it when she is walking. It does not look red or raw, just looks naked! I dusted her with de dirt and a little poultry dust , but didn't know anything else to do.
Can no one help with this issue? I checked and did not seem to see any signs of bugs or crawly things, but the bald area is larger than I thought, more like 3 inches in diameter. You can only see the top part of it when she is walking. It does not look red or raw, just looks naked! I dusted her with de dirt and a little poultry dust , but didn't know anything else to do.

Ok, so is this bald spot more towards her underside, below the vent? Does she look a little puffy in that area if viewed from the side? Does she lay regularly? Does it feel mushy, like fluid filled?

Sometimes hens who have a problem with internal laying will develope a somewhat swollen area below the vent and will loose the feathers there. It may be red and inflammed looking or it may not. I have a hen who is an internal layer and that is what she looks like and she occasionally has runny poop.
OK so got mine to the VET. (she is a barred-rock) She has an Egg lodged inside her, the vet said. We tried to "induce" her. it didn't work. so she's isolated in my garage with a nice set up , on antibiotics since she was so run down, and just hoping that egg pops out. 7 days, no egg. NOTE: all the girls are approx 2 years old.

My assumption, egg was lodged, or stuck, she got ill, and all other damages were from the other girls, including comb damage, plucked feathers from rump/vent.... basically being bullied cuz they knew she was sick.
Tried reintroducing her yesterday, and the 2 Rhode Island Reds attacked her comb immediately. feathers everywhere.. pecking at here head, jumping on her was a big hot mess.

SO..... I will finish her treatment (antibiotics) and keep her isolated til that stuff is gone. She is def doing better already.. although the poo is still runny, not sure if this is due to an EGG being in there, or what..... been giving her fresh fruit every day to encourage her eating/drinking. It def. works. but she is still not 100%.

Reintroducing her will be a challenge. I've read MANY posts on here, with many different pieces of advice given, so I'm afraid it will be trial and error, but will have to supervise them closely. Good luck with yours and I will post an update of mine as time goes by.

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