Problem with my waterer...


10 Years
Jun 24, 2009
Sunny Seminole County, FL
Seems like I don't get much response to my posts on here...not sure if I am doing something wrong? Hopefully this post will get a better response.

I am trying to build a simple watering system with a 5 gallon bucket & nipple drinkers. I want to set the bucket up on a cinder block and have the nipples installed about 2" up from the bottom. What I have found is the nipples seem to leak when installed horizontally. I have noticed that most people install them on the bottom of the bucket & then hang it. But i thought I'd seen some horizontal installations too.

I dont have a really good place to hang a bucket- that is why I was planning on the horizontal installation method.

Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated!

Hi Cindy; the nipples have to be installed vertically or they will leak. I have two 5-gallon bucket nipple waterers. They have two nipples (like these) on each side of the bottom of the bucket and it all rests on a cinder block standing on end. If you want to go horizontally, you'll have to plumb pvc pipe in to the bottom wall of the bucket and then install nipples into the pvc (vertically) with nipples like these. I also have a system like that, both types can be seen on my coop page. Keep in mind that the nipples have to be just high enough were the chickens have to raise their heads to about a 45 degree angle to reach them. If you have growing birds, you'll want the height to be adjustable (or provide something for the chickens to stand on to reach it).
Thanks so much for your response! Your coop & run are beautiful, BTW! You have some lucky birds there.

I think I will need to plumb the bucket with PVC since I have 14 birds. I don't think 2 nipples will be enough...not sure if the ducks will take to them though so I might only have 5 chickens using them. I guess I'll play it safe & do the PVC method.

Thanks again for the advice!
I used the same exact nipples that Gallo has suggested and love em. I prefer the" o ring" ones as opposed to the "screw in" ones as I have had less leaking with the o-ring ones. I had to remove the screw-in one and add thread tap to the thread to stop the leaking. In this pic the first 2 are "push-in and the last one is "screw-in". You can drive yourself crazy trying to save yourself a nickel on the internet for these nipples but I found QC Supply is fairly priced and they get you the items very quickly. Good Luck
Maybe you can us some type of pumbers putty to seal arounf the edge of the nipples.
I had thread tape so I used that. Probably anything will work and once you fix it, it wont leak again. Well mine didnt. (knock on wood).
Yes, I used thread tape. But I think the issue is the horizontal vs vertical install. This weekend I plan on trying a vertical install with pvc like in the pic above. Thanks!

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