Problem with quail eyes, w/pics


6 Years
Aug 9, 2013
Hi. I have had my five female quail going on nine months. They have a nice habitat and are well cared for. They never fight or peck each other.
For the past few weeks I have seen one quails eyes having some bumps around them. They will come and go, sometimes not very noticeable at all. Just the other day I was showing her to someone and it wasn't hardly there.


It is red from her scratching as I found the bloody debris in her toenail.
Any advice? I have a few tubes of rx antibiotic eye ointment for dogs and cats but did not want to use it without advice.
I'm not 100% sure, but it could be contamination from chickens. I can see from your avatar that you have chickens, right? Well, many people have said that chickens can spread many different diseases to quail, that's why I try my best to keep them away from the chickens.

There's a thread somewhere that shows someone's quail that had horrible, puffy eyes to where they couldn't see. They believe it happened because they used the same gloves that they used on their chickens.

Hopefully someone else will help you with how to treat it, I don't have much advice on that. Good luck, hopefully it doesn't get worse.
Well I put a little dab of antiobiotic eye ointment on. Hope for the best.
I do try to keep my chickens and quail very separate. I wash hands and try not to cross contaminate .
That's the only thing I can think of since you said they aren't hurting each other. I guess it could just be some kind of allergy, but I really have no idea.
There's a great facebook group called Wisconsin Quail Breeders Club. You don't have to be from Wisconsin. You could probably get a fast answer.

I hope they get better for you.

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