Problems Introducing New Pullet

Well 8 days have passed, and the four other chickens (1 roo) still dont tolerate the newby.

I will persist. I have let them free range a few times. Everything is ok when Im out there but when I come inside the house, I can hear the newby's
chirps of distress as the others chase & peck her. I hope my interference by putting her back in the pen, doesnt cement her as a 'target' for the other
adult chooks to pick on??
Time will tell.....
If your cage/pen is big enough, select another bird and place with the one being bullied, leave them togather a few days, after all is well with the two of them, add 1 more, let them get things worked out, they will become bonded, then let those 3 out togather, there will be less picking on the new one.
Try to use birds that are close to the same size.
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I wonder if she is at point of lay... at 16 weeks, she sure could be. She doesn't look that heavy at all. But meat birds will lay down A LOT. You could keep her on a restricted diet to keep her weight down. Provide her with a nest box, and if you can, find a silkie hen to be buddies with her. I have a friend who has a meat bird rooster. He is a huge guy too. Anyway, he's got to be nearly a year old now. They keep him cool in the summer, and watch how much he eats. Actually make him walk to keep his weight under control to the best of their ability. Your girl is not past her use by/due date..

and to add to the last post, pick the most docile bird to start her with her. If the weather is getting hot your way, you may need to provide her with colder water and iced treats. This will help keep her more comfortable.
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I wonder if she is at point of lay... at 16 weeks, she sure could be. She doesn't look that heavy at all. But meat birds will lay down A LOT. You could keep her on a restricted diet to keep her weight down. Provide her with a nest box, and if you can, find a silkie hen to be buddies with her. I have a friend who has a meat bird rooster. He is a huge guy too. Anyway, he's got to be nearly a year old now. They keep him cool in the summer, and watch how much he eats. Actually make him walk to keep his weight under control to the best of their ability. Your girl is not past her use by/due date..

and to add to the last post, pick the most docile bird to start her with her. If the weather is getting hot your way, you may need to provide her with colder water and iced treats. This will help keep her more comfortable.
Oh ok. So do the 'meat birds' overheat during summer? Yeah, Im in Australia & it is getting hotter now. Good to know the bird isnt past her use by date. We started a week ago putting in the most docile one with her.....its working a little... At first there was a bit of pecking & chasing, but now hardly anything. They all tolerate the newby well whilst free ranging, but once they're all in the pen the pecking & chasing starts & I think she encourages it more with her VERY submissive stance...cowering, squeaking (that baby chick squeak) & running for her life AND trying to escape furiously from the pen. I guess patience & watchfulness will win the day. ??? Thanks so much for this post, it has put my mind at ease.
If your cage/pen is big enough, select another bird and place with the one being bullied, leave them togather a few days, after all is well with the two of them, add 1 more, let them get things worked out, they will become bonded, then let those 3 out togather, there will be less picking on the new one.
Try to use birds that are close to the same size.
Thanks Lyn....we have been trying that for a week now...I think there may be some success with it.
Looking promising....
I Had a Cornish rock which is the meat bird type she lived to 11 months old and weighed 13 pounds i wanted her to live to 10 like my RIR [Rhode island red] i got with her i got them both as chicks now the RIR i got with the one that died at 11 months is 3 years old and will live to at least 8 and she is a nice 6 pounds a healthy weight for a bird

i'm taking some nice pics of her with the flock right now and will be back in a few minutes
Oh....that's a bit sad. Awful to think birds are only 'bred' to live a certain amount of time!! Cruel really.
This bird (as you probably can see?) isnt that heavy for her size to weight ratio. So Im hoping that she/he isnt going to suffer too much.
Im feeding her just normal feed....abit of mash as well. She likes pottering in the yard pecking at the grass. We keep her out in yard now cos she cant perch, jump or fly at the fence.
Lesson learned I guess..... dont get a meat bird for a pet or to add to the flock. Im so disgusted with it all, the length that us humans have gone to interfere with a chickens growth & life to suit our needs. Im sure if given the opportunity, the chickens themselves wouldnt want to have their genetics fooled with. Yes, I eat chickens, but was unaware at the level of interference to their well being. Again, a very sad situation....all in the name of making a profit

Anyhow....the pullet seems to be walking a touch better today. And the more 'docile' hen we were pairing her with is the one that pecks her the most now!!! Go figure?
But there doesnt seem to be a lot of malicious attacks.....just a few scrappy pecks & the pullet just runs for it anyway, so isnt around long enough for many pecks. No injuries. I just love watching them scratch around, dirt bathe, brood, crow & do all the chicken things....its such fun.
I Had a Cornish rock which is the meat bird type she lived to 11 months old and weighed 13 pounds i wanted her to live to 10 like my RIR [Rhode island red] i got with her i got them both as chicks now the RIR i got with the one that died at 11 months is 3 years old and will live to at least 8 and she is a nice 6 pounds a healthy weight for a bird

i'm taking some nice pics of her with the flock right now and will be back in a few minutes
Looking forward to seeing ur pics

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