Problems Viewing Photobuckets


11 Years
Jan 4, 2010
Maine ~ 4 chicken years
I can view some of the pictures, but the photobucket photos don't come out (show). All I get is a big box with an X in the left hand corner. I tried clicking on the box, clicking on the X and nothing works.
This happens at my home computer as well as my work computer. I would love to see these pictures, is there something I'm not doing or something I need to view them??

I apologize if this isn't the right place for this post, I couldn't find any postings close to my subject.

Thank you, in advance. Hopefully someone can help!
If there is an X then who ever posted the link most likely posted a wrong link or they erased the picture from photobucket so any website that they had that picture posted on would have been deleted, making the old pics come up as blank with an X.

So it isn't your computer or you it just happens.

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