Problems with searching...any hints?


8 Years
Feb 19, 2011
I have been having one helluva time trying to find information. I've read info on how to search and how to use advanced searching. somebody said :

  1. 7) Search threads or individual posts. By default, the search engine will search for and display threads with mentions of your keywords, rather than displaying links to individual posts.

But I see no way to change from the default of searching for threads that a certain member STARTED vs to individual posts by that member. Does anyone have hints?

Does anyone or any moderator have links to info on how the NEW platform searches and any problems with it?
Hover over a persons username and you will find those options without using the search function. So much easier than before with a one click option.
Thank you, kstaven! It looks like now those posts of people are consistently sorted with most recent first. I think that was not the case before, and it made them less useful. This way I can at least search for recent mention of this or that. Also I have found that you can sort various ways using advanced search, so that is helpful too.

Sorry for the delay replying to your helpful reply. I didn't see the reply till today because I didn't know it was there. I think I finally figured out today that the brown box at the left of the recent activity list in my profile, maybe means there is an unread post(or more) in that thread? I'm embarrassed that it has taken me almost 2 full months to figure that out. I'm still wondering if there is a thread or something that explains features like that rather than me just blundering upon them by mistake or chance. The first month or so of the new platform, I did spend hours and hours searching for threads that would explain the new features in an organized way, but I was never able to find anything like that except for one brief short video clip. However, now some may have been added, and when I have time, I'll try searching again. In the meantime, I am going to use your hint and hover over your name and read your posts since I think they may be where I'll find much useful info in answers to others that are having problems!!! Also, I plan to do the same w/ elevan's posts since she has posted lots of helpful and concise answers to people's troubles, as well! On some of our computers even w/ the latest browsers and trying Chrome vs Firefox, it still is very slow to try to look up much on the site, though, because at every click to a new page or every time I click to see anything, I have to wait for a whole new set of ads on the right side of the page. I still wish that those ads could remain fixed in place and not have to load over and over while the user tries to use the site. Or that the site could pay 5 companies for example $5000 or whatever, for ads that stay on the user's screen longer, rather than paying 26 companies the $5000 or whatever for so many more ads all over the screen but that change at every click of the user. Nifty answered that question a bit back, but I think he misunderstood what I meant maybe.

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