
Krs Yng Chicks

7 Years
Jul 7, 2016
South West Florida
I have two problems at the moment.... My inherited flock still lives on the property next to mine and will be there until the new coop here is finished. My hubby is doing his best, already cleared the area and now waiting on the wood to be delivered. Will probably be at least 2 weeks before that can be done.

So.... I have this urge to go over "there" all the time now to see what they are doing. I have babysat them for a year and a half and never had these urges... Now if I could I would just sit with them all day long!

Second problem is, and this one I am hoping someone can help me with.... how to get a good photo of the flock. I have about 50 photos and I want to post in the thread "what sex is this" but an iPhone is not the best.... plus these chicks move ALL THE TIME! I have seen really good photos here of birds but I can't seem to get a good one. Well my avatar isn't bad, but Mr. Big is a poser so that helped.

So how does everyone get awesome pics of your chicks and is it normal I now just want to hang with the flock?

Hangin with the flock is perfectly normal. In fact I'd be worried if you didn't want to hang out with them lol. Not much better than settin out in the shade, a cold drink, a nice breeze, and hangin with the chickens.
Kris , do you have a helper that could hold the birds while you photograph them?

I do have my husband who would be willing, but these chicks haven't been handled much so they are not overly friendly. We are trying to gain their confidence now by sitting with them and talking/interacting, also treats help. I guess it will take some time. I just need to find a little more patience, I should know this is all going to take time, but my excitement is through the roof! :D :celebrate


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