Processing by the moon?


9 Years
May 21, 2010
Otis, Oregon ~ Chicken People Since 5/10
Does anyone who regularly processes their own meat have a preference, idea or even superstition about butchering specifically in a particular moon phase?
In my farmyard I do everything else by the moon, but don't really know which is preferable for this process.
Waxing would promote more bleeding and waning would promote less.
Which is better?
I know if you look in the old farmers almanac it has a section about slaughtering animals. They said that today was the best day in October to process and I have to say I agree, even though it was raining and only 38 degrees. We got done very quickly and did almost twice the birds in the same amount of time. And because of the cold weather the birds didn't have a chance to spoil while we were working on them. It took us all day but now we are set for the winter for chicken meat so no worries.
I know if you look in the old farmers almanac it has a section about slaughtering animals. They said that today was the best day in October to process and I have to say I agree, even though it was raining and only 38 degrees. We got done very quickly and did almost twice the birds in the same amount of time. And because of the cold weather the birds didn't have a chance to spoil while we were working on them. It took us all day but now we are set for the winter for chicken meat so no worries.

what a fantastic idea, the Almanac! It is currently a waxing void of course Scorpio moon...wonder why that makes it good???
Will scratch and peck around a bit and see!
Thanks, LilyD!
I do almost EVERYTHING by the almanac, from hatching to breeding to planting my veggies!

I must be BYC. I do everything I can by the moon also. I've been gardening for some 30 years and I know I get better results going by the moon, even if I only pay attention to moon phase rather than the 12 signs from experience. Now, if there is a chance I can do things by the "best dates" in the Old Farmers Almanac, I do! The scientists and whoever think it's crazy, but it just plain works.

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