Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

The last ones we processed that I left whole, I put in vacuum sealer bags, and they were just a little scrunched, but I definitely think that is the way to go with cut up chicken. Did you notice that Cornerstone farms has the little pads to put on bone ends like legs/wings to prevent puncture of the bags? I didn't order any, but I probably should have, because I lost the seal on one of my vacuum sealed birds....gotta use that one first.
Thanks for the heads up on the pads, I hadn't seen that but would be a good idea to use.
We seperated the whole breasts (including ribs) from the frame and packaged the breasts, then packaged the leg/thighs seperate. One bird we just split into half and packaged each half seperately; I have the frames/scrap and necks, etc bagged in the fridge to be boiled down for broth on Thursday so I can make soup. I am out of frozen soup so I need to get busy and make some more. I do it in 2 gallon batches and freeze it in heavy weight quart containers. Just defrost in fridge overnight and it makes for easy meals. Is also super for camping, you put the frozen container in the cooler and it doubles as ice! LOL
WELL - we need an emoticon (if that's what you call them) for post processing. Like someone laying on the couch with a glass of wine in their hands
completely wiped....

Yesterday, one of the cornish x hens just couldn't move on her legs at all. She was fluttering her wings and kind of scooting around.
This morning when I checked on them, she was sitting up straight on her bum so as not to get stepped on by the others. I've known
all day that today was the day. The kids where I work were asking me why I'm so serious today and if everything is OK. I didn't
realize it was on my mind that much. I stopped at goodwill on the way home and found a huge pot for boiling. When I got home,
she couldn't even make it to the food without wobbling and fluttering so I told her it was time.

I am by myself so I think that helped with my nerves. I was able to set everything up. Start to finish took me about a little over
an hour but I had to take a breather after just about every step. She was the tiniest and I am surprised she hung in there this long.
I was kind of hoping she would croak on her own
early on until I was completely psyched up and ready to go. But NOOOOO.

Regardless, I managed just fine, everything is cleaned up and I am sitting with all of you with a glass of wine and ready for bed
at 8pm
just because I'm emotionally spent. There was great learning in this experience and I am fortunate and feel
a sense of completion that I have learned another skill. It really is an art to do it correctly. I have not graduated to art level yet.
Thanks for being there and onward we go. I have 3 more that I am hoping will make it another two weeks for size.

I barely got a pound of meat off this little one. Will soak her in some buttermilk and fry her up in a couple of days and see
what's what.
Would something like this work.....with a few modifications(like beverage choice and quotation)?

WELL - we need an emoticon (if that's what you call them) for post processing. Like someone laying on the couch with a glass of wine in their hands
completely wiped....

Yesterday, one of the cornish x hens just couldn't move on her legs at all. She was fluttering her wings and kind of scooting around.
This morning when I checked on them, she was sitting up straight on her bum so as not to get stepped on by the others. I've known
all day that today was the day. The kids where I work were asking me why I'm so serious today and if everything is OK. I didn't
realize it was on my mind that much. I stopped at goodwill on the way home and found a huge pot for boiling. When I got home,
she couldn't even make it to the food without wobbling and fluttering so I told her it was time.

I am by myself so I think that helped with my nerves. I was able to set everything up. Start to finish took me about a little over
an hour but I had to take a breather after just about every step. She was the tiniest and I am surprised she hung in there this long.
I was kind of hoping she would croak on her own
early on until I was completely psyched up and ready to go. But NOOOOO.

Regardless, I managed just fine, everything is cleaned up and I am sitting with all of you with a glass of wine and ready for bed
at 8pm
just because I'm emotionally spent. There was great learning in this experience and I am fortunate and feel
a sense of completion that I have learned another skill. It really is an art to do it correctly. I have not graduated to art level yet.
Thanks for being there and onward we go. I have 3 more that I am hoping will make it another two weeks for size.

I barely got a pound of meat off this little one. Will soak her in some buttermilk and fry her up in a couple of days and see
what's what.

I always feel like I need some down time after butchering. No matter how many times I do it, it takes an emotional toll on me. Yes, we need an emoticon with a person on a couch.
Quote: Haha I am serious!!
I didnt think they were supposed to get like that before week 8?? lol

Take pictures of the processing? lol I would if I could, but that would mean Im not slitting/defeathering/degutting/packaging the birds.. My hands will be too bloody

(btw, my avi is our dairy cow peaches in her stall. Gone a'Milkin!)
Not processing just now I would love to see their size and stature
WELL - we need an emoticon (if that's what you call them) for post processing. Like someone laying on the couch with a glass of wine in their hands
completely wiped....

Yesterday, one of the cornish x hens just couldn't move on her legs at all. She was fluttering her wings and kind of scooting around.
This morning when I checked on them, she was sitting up straight on her bum so as not to get stepped on by the others. I've known
all day that today was the day. The kids where I work were asking me why I'm so serious today and if everything is OK. I didn't
realize it was on my mind that much. I stopped at goodwill on the way home and found a huge pot for boiling. When I got home,
she couldn't even make it to the food without wobbling and fluttering so I told her it was time.

I am by myself so I think that helped with my nerves. I was able to set everything up. Start to finish took me about a little over
an hour but I had to take a breather after just about every step. She was the tiniest and I am surprised she hung in there this long.
I was kind of hoping she would croak on her own
early on until I was completely psyched up and ready to go. But NOOOOO.

Regardless, I managed just fine, everything is cleaned up and I am sitting with all of you with a glass of wine and ready for bed
at 8pm
just because I'm emotionally spent. There was great learning in this experience and I am fortunate and feel
a sense of completion that I have learned another skill. It really is an art to do it correctly. I have not graduated to art level yet.
Thanks for being there and onward we go. I have 3 more that I am hoping will make it another two weeks for size.

I barely got a pound of meat off this little one. Will soak her in some buttermilk and fry her up in a couple of days and see
what's what.
All by yourself! awesome! You will begin brining right? After having done this, I highly suggest it too! I swear its the salt and sugars which made my older birds so tender and awesome, along with slow cooking in the bag! When are you planning the last of them or will you do them as needed?
Grrr.... Quote won't work this am...

Yes, that's my broiler pen. It ain't pretty, and it sure ain't secure, but it does the trick. I seem to only have aerial predators, unless you count fire ants, so...

Make my post-process "smilie" in a post-shower bubble bath with that wine. ;) Since we finally have a day without rain, I need to get some of mine done today.They are *small* I think because this spring has been so cool this year. Staying warm comes before growing...

kacklinkelly - awesome! I also process alone, and I understand that mixed emotion of pride and disquiet. Getting up the gumption right this minute to get set up for today. I also expect smaller birds today, but I have only the one pen, a shrinking budget for an exponential feed bill and an empty freezer. ;) Hope to get through four or five today.
Grrr.... Quote won't work this am...

Yes, that's my broiler pen. It ain't pretty, and it sure ain't secure, but it does the trick. I seem to only have aerial predators, unless you count fire ants, so...

Make my post-process "smilie" in a post-shower bubble bath with that wine.
Since we finally have a day without rain, I need to get some of mine done today.They are *small* I think because this spring has been so cool this year. Staying warm comes before growing...

kacklinkelly - awesome! I also process alone, and I understand that mixed emotion of pride and disquiet. Getting up the gumption right this minute to get set up for today. I also expect smaller birds today, but I have only the one pen, a shrinking budget for an exponential feed bill and an empty freezer.
Hope to get through four or five today.

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