Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

Well, I ate me my first self processed meatie tonight. It was awesome!
There wasn't much meat from her. Regardless, what I got was super yummy.
My other meaties are due to process next weekend. They should yield much
more meat. She tasted just like chicken from the store ... but better.
Well, I ate me my first self processed meatie tonight. It was awesome!
There wasn't much meat from her. Regardless, what I got was super yummy.
My other meaties are due to process next weekend. They should yield much
more meat. She tasted just like chicken from the store ... but better.

And that's what its all about!
Well, I ate me my first self processed meatie tonight. It was awesome!
There wasn't much meat from her. Regardless, what I got was super yummy.
My other meaties are due to process next weekend. They should yield much
more meat. She tasted just like chicken from the store ... but better.
Awesome! Whoda thunk! CHICKEN! taste like chicken!!
processed a bird today only we got half way thru and threw in the towel. Nothing went right. I am feeling like such a failure. His body has been disposed of. I am going to go back and watch all the videos again. They make it look so easy.
processed a bird today only we got half way thru and threw in the towel. Nothing went right. I am feeling like such a failure. His body has been disposed of. I am going to go back and watch all the videos again. They make it look so easy.

What went wrong? Let us help you through it.
I know I didn't have an issue with the actual cleaning part because I was accustomed to that stuff from being a hunter. Is that where it went bad the cleaning insides?
I was set up and we sized the cone. Everything was ready. I had no idea it was so hard to hit 2 of the biggest veins/arteries. Poor guy suffered until I actually hit one then he went quick. Then I had a cleaning cooler lined with a trash bag and that was fine. He cleaned up nice. Put him in the 150 degree water and I think he cooled it down from the cold water in the cooler. Plucking seemed to take forever so I guess I should have left him a minute or 2 longer. Then the clean out. It was just bad. I thought I knew how to pull everything out after watching videos but it ended up being a mess. Things tore and leaked and it was nasty.

I am thinking about giving away my last 2 cockerels so at least someone else will benefit. Not sure I have it in me to try again. I hate feeling like a failure and I hate that I feel like I totally tortured the poor roo and then mutilated his body.

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