Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

When I get a nose full of processing chicken smells, I can't eat them for a few days, and I'm a paramedic, I eat after some "amazing" smells! lol lol lol  It isn't even that the smell is that bad (compared w/ my work smells) just extremely unappetizing.

So does the smell mostly come when you put them in the hot water before plucking? If and when we do process the old hen, we will probably just skin her and not worry about plucking.
So does the smell mostly come when you put them in the hot water before plucking? If and when we do process the old hen, we will probably just skin her and not worry about plucking.
Yes mostly, but there is the disembowling smell too, and like I said it isn't "bad" just a type of smell that I don't want to eat chicken afterwards. It is hard to explain, maybe it's just to similar to the boiling chicken smell (not for feather plucking but for cooking). I skin too, and there is a wet feather smell from washing the feathers off and a blood smell from bleeding them out, maybe I'm to fixated on the smells. lol
We (meaning my husband, not myself or our 6 yr old) also shoot all the wild hogs that we happen to see on our property. We do not eat them, which I would imagine you would then classify those deaths as needless.d
I was just voicing my fear that you were shooting the turtles for no reason. As I said, there was a study where a scientist was very surprised that people went out of their way to hit turtles crossing a road--any kind of turtle. I can understand clearing a pond where your ducks and geese swim. Killing feral hogs--no arguments there.
So does the smell mostly come when you put them in the hot water before plucking? If and when we do process the old hen, we will probably just skin her and not worry about plucking.

That is why you put the little bit of soap in the water for scalding. The Processing smell was gone before the family got up Last Week.
That is why you put the little bit of soap in the water for scalding. The Processing smell was gone before the family got up Last Week.

I did a little bit of dawn in the wash water and the scald and didn't notice much smell until the cleaning the insides part. Then the smell stayed with me for a day or two.
 I was just voicing my fear that you were shooting the turtles for no reason.  As I said, there was a study where a scientist was very surprised that people went out of their way to hit turtles crossing a road--any kind of turtle.  I can understand clearing a pond where your ducks and geese swim.  Killing feral hogs--no arguments there.

No hurt feelings here! We're the sort that we usually have some sort of reason if we kill something. :)

As for the study you mentioned, that is a bit surprising to me. I would not swerve to hit a turtle. (In fact, probably the opposite since I'd be worried that hard shell would maybe hurt something on the underside of my car...) BUT, I would and have swerved to run over a snake. We have several different poisonous types in this area, and (even though I know that many would argue that snakes have a place in the ecosystem and a right to live, etc.) I personally am going to kill them if I find them in near vicinity to me... My husband was bit by a copperhead as a toddler. He was allergic to the anti-venom and nearly died. If I can help it, I have zero intention of discovering whether or not that allergy was passed on to our kids.
I did a little bit of dawn in the wash water and the scald and didn't notice much smell until the cleaning the insides part. Then the smell stayed with me for a day or two.
Exactly it is that smell that gets in your nose and it is that smell I find difficult to eat chicken while it is still in my nose.
That is why you put the little bit of soap in the water for scalding. The Processing smell was gone before the family got up Last Week.

I did a little bit of dawn in the wash water and the scald and didn't notice much smell until the cleaning the insides part. Then the smell stayed with me for a day or two.
That's why we put essential oils in our dust mask . My smell memory is great... The rest of my
Memories ...not so much!!!
Exactly it is that smell that gets in your nose and it is that smell I find difficult to eat chicken while it is still in my nose.

I'm with you, the smell camps out in my sinuses and there is nothing I can do to get rid of it until it fades. Even without the smell I don't want to eat chicken the day I butcher. It just is not appetizing to me, so I always plan to have something else, Hamburgers are always good.
You know, I warned my boys about the smell. And I mentally prepared myself for it. But I don't think the smell was that bad? I was expecting "you're gonna puke" type of smell. The odor was different, but not stomach turning to me. Maybe my sense of smell is off!!

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