Announcement Progressive Web App - Mobile Phone

How do I know if the installation of the new progressive has been added? Are there 2 icons for each version or does it replace the old one?
Though I don't think the old app has anything which the PWA doesn't, and the PWA supports push notifications, while I can't seem to get them to work when accessing the site via the old app. The PWA also seems a lot faster.
I can't install the PWA from the Playstore app... Give me a few minutes to log in to the website to download the PWA and I can compare the two.
Thats why she said hold on until she can access the site so she can download it.

I like the PWA. Some of my other forums offer it. Works very well.
Thought she meant the Google Play website when I initially read the post.
Thanks @CarpCharacin for getting this setup and making this post!

We'll continue to have the two "apps" (for now):
  1. The "old one" in the Google Play store - Good to have so peeps searching apps for "chickens" in the store will find BYC, but MUCH harder to keep updated as the software changes
  2. The new "PWA" one: Not available / shown in the Google Play store, but should keep updated and fast (and fewer bugs) than the old app.
From your Android phone's perspective, they are two completely separate apps. You can have one, the other, or both without any conflicts.

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