Project Eggs coming soon. Anyone willing to buy the following crosses?

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Mottled Rosecomb Heaven
9 Years
Jul 27, 2010
Hello My girls are going to start laying soon! Hoping to hatch some project eggs soon. Would anyone be willing to buy some project eggs???

The following chickens

Hens -
Rhode Island Red
White Leghorn
Plymouth Rock
Gold Sex Link

Roosters -
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Black Jersey Giant

Will be willing to do any cross between any of these breeds. Any thing that would be interesting? Hatching soon will post pics of the following chicks

Plymouth Rock x Silver Laced Wyandotte
Orpington x Jersey Giant
Delaware x Silver Laced Wyandotte
Rhode Island Red x Silver Laced Wyandotte
Leghorn x Silver Laced Wyandotte

That is all I can think of at the moment.
I did a black Jersey roo with an was either him or the black australorp roo.

Several of the babies looked like RIR's on the neck and head and wings.....had red/orange breasts (some with black specks).....and black tails and under the wings up to the back.

Beautiful cross...i'm trying for more because I think they are so pretty.
Depending on how much for eggs and shipping.

Silver LAced Wyandotte over Rhode Island Red.
dpending on your price for eggs ie as long as they are reasonable
I would be interested in several dozen of the following.

Orpington x Jersey Giant
Delaware x Silver Laced Wyandotte
Rhode Island Red x Silver Laced Wyandotte
Oprpington x SLW
RIR X Jersy Giant
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