Prolapse right before vacation!


In the Brooder
Jan 22, 2017
One of our young EEs has suffered prolapse (on her first egg ever!) and of course it is right before we are supposed to leave for vacation. We have someone coming to check on the girls every few days, but I'm wondering what is the best course of action for our prolapsed chicken. Right now she is separated in a dog crate, but I'm not sure she should stay like this the entire time we are away. I can't really ask the pet sitter to do much more than feed/water. Should I put her back with the other girls or keep her apart? We've pushed the vent back in and will keep an eye on her for the next day or so, but then we need to decide what the plan should be while we are away. Any advice appreciated.
I would see if her vent stays in for the next day or so. Honey,msugar, or Preparation H can be helpful to shrink the tissue, to get it back in and stay. In the past, these hens were culled, and may have been used for a family dinner. Since chickens have become pets, we try to help them recover. If she seems okay before you leave, I might keep her in a crate with her own food and water, and have the animal sitter, replace her food and water daily. That way if she prolapsed while you are gone, at least the other chickens will not peck at it. This is a bit of a dilemma, I am sure.
We've kept her in a dark room and limited her feed, but she laid an egg this morning and prolapsed again. We've tried 4 times now to push it back in with prep-h and honey but it just doesn't want to stay. Poor thing -it was her first egg and I just don't think her body was ready.

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