Prolapse - We are going to the Vet with Sechs

Update for the archives: Sechs has two stitches on either side of her vent, a double and a single.

She had a soft egg (no shell) in the pipeline, so we could call that egg bound, I reckon.

No reason to expect this. She had been laying till day before yesterday, seemed in good health and spirits. Sounds familiar, right?

She received, in addition to the egg removal and stitches, a shot of calcium supplement, some anti-inflammatory and pain relief. Surgery took less than half an hour.

I took Elfie with her for company. Elfie is an excellent companion.

She will be kept indoors a day or three, low light, and receive Neocalglucon orally three times a day (1.5 mL). I'll smash them into some peas.

And we will pray. There is a chance she will recover. But it is touch and go.

Wingin' it.


By the way, time in lukewarm bath, deep enough to float in did reduce the prolapse a bit, it cleaned her off, enabled her to be more comfortable and wiggle her legs. She definitely felt better after the bath. For transport, we used the Limousine (Wire dog crate covered with plastic poultry fence). The bottom was covered with a clean towel dampened with dilute chamomile tea.

Gonna keep trying ways to increase calcium intake.

Currently, putting Ca gluconate in their water at night, at 1 teaspoon per 4 ounces.

Never had egg trouble with Sechs before. She is three years, four months old. I will see if I can snap a photo today.
Hoping for the best. Positive thoughts winging to you and Sechs
Hi Amiga, it's Veronicasmom. I still haven't changed my password so I can log on as me, been insanely busy, but I am using sis's again. Just saw this and wanted to send positive thoughts for her recovery. So scary. Poor little thing. Please update as soon as she is out of the woods
to you both.
I deeply appreciate the support from you all. Thanks alot. There I was yesterday, dashing around, my beloved handling the basic morning duck duty for everyone else while I prepped the Limousine and myself for the trip, and I just felt I had to send a quick S.O.S. to everybody here. The information, the facts, the intellectual stuff was all there, but - and I feel this for all who have an injured or ill loved one - the sadness and dread are hard to shake sometimes.

This morning, little Sechs is up on her feet, eyes bright, rear end looking good.
She thinks I am a nutjob, picking her up, turning her upside down and admiring her bottom, praising her for keeping it in.

I don't think it will ever be completely all over, as re-prolapse is always a risk.

Still, it could be much worse, I think.

She's in the Limousine, covered on all but one short side, with food and water and a fresh towel. She's pooping fine, no signs of straining. I was up a few times during the night to check on her. The flock thought the overnight visits were a perfect idea, and would like me to continue to do so indefinitely.

I intend to stick fairly close by for a day or three, see how it goes. I am tasked with snipping one stitch if I see an egg crowning.
Hallelujah! Never the end of the road, but something good, I think:

Sechs is starting to act a little broody. I am happy about this because, for the most part, my broodies do not lay eggs.

Bottom still looking good. No signs of prolapse. Sechs still annoyed at my behavior. But she seems to like having a little company as long as I don't get too close. Love that duck.

The vet is more cautious about my good news. She's not sure that it's great for her to be broody. But I feel hopeful.
Hi, me again. So glad that she appears better. I am going to keep thinking positive about her broodiness too, sometimes the vets are a bit too cautious I think. It's their job, they have to be. But I completely understand how worrisome these things are. I worry about it with one of ours too, she never had a problem, but somehow I just "have a feeling".
Anywho, very glad she is doing better and will jump on here occasionally to check up on her (and you).
Thanks, veronicasmom. I need to manage my anxious feelings because this is a long haul. One day at a time.

I need to reconfigure the night pen . . . again . . . to accommodate a broody who needs to be in the dark as much as possible. On the other hand, if she's going broody, I recall not so much egg laying. But I need to check her. Oy, that otta be fun.


Breaking news flash: Bean just flew into a fence, scraping the "bridge of his nose."

May it all please be minor boo-boo's for a while, please just minor stuff. Carmella laryngitis, okay, seems to have been minor. Bean's nose, okay, that looks to be minor, just need to treat for a few days to prevent trouble as long as that is all he did to himself. Sechs, well, I pray that she holds it in from this day forward, and that the only things that pass that way are what's supposed to pass that way. Amen.

Wanted to add another update.

I am so happy to be the recipient of major stink-eye from Miss Sechs. She has her neck scrunched up, her feathers out, her bill open, wakking at me in a most unfriendly tone
. And her bum looks normal.

I marked the eggs she was sitting on, so I can start collecting eggs again. She may be sitting on the eggs because she doesn't know what else to do. That's fine with me.

Wish I had had a video camera this evening when I was doing a little room service in the night shelter. She stood just a few feet from me, supervising, giving me ugly looks and fussing. Love that duck

I am getting a little run down, though, as I check on her a couple of times during the night. I had hoped I would avoid such behavior, not having human kids, but, no, it's my turn with this interrupted sleep thing.

Time for a nap.

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