Prolapsed chicken and egg bound


5 Years
Mar 26, 2014
I have a chicken who has been prolapsed since Friday, now Wednesday. I have tried honey and PH and pushed back in twice a day but it has scabbed over and after soaking her it still hasn’t coming off. Today she had a stretched vent and an egg was stuck – does this mean she was egg bound? I’m not sure. Anyway I managed to break the egg and clean her up and push everything back in. Now the prolapse is out again but not a large amount. I have heard that bandage may work any ideas greaty appreciated? She is still ok in herself and also wondering at what point you give up? Thanks Tina
I have a chicken who has been prolapsed since Friday, now Wednesday. I have tried honey and PH and pushed back in twice a day but it has scabbed over and after soaking her it still hasn’t coming off. Today she had a stretched vent and an egg was stuck – does this mean she was egg bound? I’m not sure. Anyway I managed to break the egg and clean her up and push everything back in. Now the prolapse is out again but not a large amount. I have heard that bandage may work any ideas greaty appreciated? She is still ok in herself and also wondering at what point you give up? Thanks Tina
Make sure that vent has been flushed out internally to remove any residue left from broken egg,you can use a diluted vinegar/water solution to flush out. Here is a link explaining bandage. If prolapse does not stay in even with using the bandage,then a couple of stitches would be the next step,placing a few stitches is a very common practice in other animals with prolapse issues.

scroll down to prolapse.

One more thing you could give her is a calcium or tums tablet or liquid calcium. I have been reading several reports pertaining to sheep and cattle dealing with prolapse and in most cases it has been calcium deficiency and in a few cases selenium/vit e deficiency. Calcium helps muscles contract so it might help.
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Many thanks I will give it a try. I don't want to go down the vet route due to the high fingers crossed she makes it X
Can you believe it 1 1/2 weeks after chicken prolapsed - it has gone in on its own and she is back with the flock - I am so pleased. Lots of advice was put her to sleep, but a little patience and belief and she's better. Makes me think of all the poor chicks that are put to sleep unnecessarily.

Thanks for support XX

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