Prolapsed vent and medication issues


11 Years
Jun 1, 2013
West Virginia
My eight year old Buff Orpington had a vent prolapse last Tuesday. I took her to the vet because I could not get the prolapse to stay in after cleaning her up, administering cortisone cream and reinserting it. The vet sutured her vent to keep the prolapse in and prescribed antibiotics and meloxicam, to keep her isolated in the dark and not feed her the regular food. This is day four. I have her in a spare bedroom because I have baby chicks in the basement. GRRRR. I had to take her back to the vet yesterday because she was trying to lay another egg. So the vet clipped the sutures and out popped an egg. She wants to check her every two days until the sutures come out. I think the medications are helping at least to keep infection at bay, but I am concerned about two things: She is standing in her crate with feathers all ruffled and not feeling well. She is eating only greens. The first morning I gave her liquid meloxicam, I think she inhaled a bit of it. She sounds kind of gurgle. What can I feed her? Should I be concerned about her breathing? Will the meds also take care of a respiration issue? I have been ultra careful since that first time. I think I aimed the syringe too high and it shot back in her throat. I am beating myself up over this and would like some advice. The vet is kind enough to see her but she has not really examined her and is not a poultry vet.

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