Prolapsed Vent: How much space does separated chick need

How awful for you and it is now such a long time since you posted.... is all OK ????

I trust that "aunt" has not done too much damage to your recovering girl...

Whenever one of mine has been isolated for any length of time I re-introduce them at nightfall and have in the past sprayed all of mine with vinegar in a water solution... this can help with acceptance of a "new" member to the flock... I do so hope that all is well and that your prolapse girl is now part of her original flock.

Hi Suzie:

Thank you. I was able to get my hen out of the pen and have put her back in her makeshift home.
Her derriere is still not all healed but it is getting better.

I will reintroduce her to the flock at night and give her a spray of vinegar beforehand.

Still hoping and praying that things resume to normal for the poor girl.

She now has an official name of HONEY. (Not sure if I already mentioned that.)

Thank you
I am so pleased that Honey is doing so well, I did not know that you had named her... great name - better than Prep-H!

It would be a good idea to spray ALL of her flockmates too - the vinegar/water solution is a method to attempt them not being able to recognise a stranger as they will all smell the same....I have tried it myself and it did work for my flock. Caution - avoid the face area... a light spray on their body feathers is fine.

Good luck to you and Honey!

Honey is doing fine. She is back with the other hens...actually I gave them several days of free roaming in the back yard (as opposed to the run) so that she could have some space. The three hens are back in the run now and I noticed she gets a little hen picked when I put the food out, so she is the last to eat. But I think this is normal right? Majority of the time she is fine. She hasn't laid another egg, and frankly I am quite nervous about that.
Thanks for all the support! I could not have done it without this forum and all the helpful backyard chicken friends!
That is encouraging news... I am so pleased that she is much better now... she will probably lay very soon... here it is dark, wet and many cloudy days plus endless rain... not many of mine are inclined to lay at the moment.... I can't wait for warmer weather!

HI everyone:
Just an update on Honey. She has been laying blue eggs. The first was laid approx 2.5 weeks after the prolapse subsided. She has laid 3 so far with no complications. All is good!

I'm so happy we stuck with the program (laid out by all of you). I really didn't think it would work because she was a mess for more than a week.
Wonderful to hear she is so much better and laying blue eggs!

You have achieved great results - well done!


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