Prolapsed vent- vet unable to help


In the Brooder
Jul 11, 2021
Hi, I have a 2yr old chicken that lays fairly large eggs. She’s been quite healthy until yesterday.

She has a prolapsed vent. I immediately brought her inside and washed her back end. When I tried to slowly push the prolapse back in she strained a little and pooped and laid a shell-less egg within about 30 minutes.

I tried to slowly push it back in but she seems to strain and didn’t want to make it worse.

I then gave her a bath in epsom salt and rinsed her with glucose water and some vetericyn. I also put hydrocortisone before bed.

This morning it wasn’t any better and took her to the vet. The vet placed sutures but she immediately keeps prolapsing and they couldn’t keep it in. If she doesn’t get better in 24-48hrs they recommend we euthanize her.

Should I restrict food completely? The vet didn’t have much recommendation other than to keep the prolapse lubricated and attempt to push it back in. Any suggestions on what else to do over the next day or two?
Vet gave you the best advice; you can continue attempting to push it back in, no clue what else could be done. From my notes: Prolapse Vent - hemorrhoid cream, hydrocortisone, honey, coconut oil. Maybe give her a rest & try a few more times but IF she keeps prolapsing, I would euthanize her :hugs
Curious, what breed is she?
Vet gave you the best advice; you can continue attempting to push it back in, no clue what else could be done. From my notes: Prolapse Vent - hemorrhoid cream, hydrocortisone, honey, coconut oil. Maybe give her a rest & try a few more times but IF she keeps prolapsing, I would euthanize her :hugs
Curious, what breed is she?
Thank you so much. I’ll work on the hydrocortisone. I wasn’t told my the vet but I see that it helps with inflammation. I got her off of Craigslist where she was in a very crowded space/poor nutrition so I’m glad I have been able to give her some space to roam and be happy. She looks like a black star.

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