Proof that DE doesn't work

Well said. I don't see DE as a catch-all, just one more tool in the chicken health arsenal.

Yup ....... you never see a good Mechanic using just a 1 wrench to fix a problem.
I think it is more the economic factor for most people and simplicity. I can dust with sevin 2 times a year on well over 200 birds in one evening for about $10.00 I have no idea what DE costs or the labor involved in application it but I am told it is more money and less effective. If I were retired I may have more time to do it the other way.
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Well let's see........... first off DE is a very super fine dust almost like a talcom powder consistancy, a 50lb bag cost about $25.00 and for me last all year a full 12 mo, and I have over 100 birds in 7 different breeding pen's.

The way I use it is like this........ I have a big long handled pot, dip it into the container and scoop out a potfull, I have a flour sifter I use to scoop the DE out of the pot. I go from pen to pen just scooping DE into the sifter and sifting and sprinkling it around the pen, in nest boxes, feeders, roost, and even put a good dose right onto the birds as they run around and get it all spread everywhere.

This only takes just a few minutes and I only do that once a month maybe, so not much time at all. The birds will scratch around and constantly moving the DE about laying in the straw and it allways on them in small amounts, it's food grade so a small ingestion used in the feed helps just a little keeping there systems purring, keep in mind I don't use it as a wormer but as a parasite prevenitive.
When I buy feed once a month and do all of my custom mixing of feed combo's I allways add a handfull or two to each 100lbs of mixed feed, it keeps it from clumping due to excess moisture, keeps any little bug's out of feed, stuff like that.
What do you people use to worm? I have been using VermX and it cleared up a terrible infestation of worms for me a few years ago. Biggest problem is that it is so expensive. I like that it is natural also. No I don't work for the company but have been happy with the results I seem to have. I don't worm every month, I would go broke but may every quarter. With some of that other stuff the advice is to never eat the eggs from chickens who have been wormed with it which even if most people don't follow those suggestions scares the heck out of me.
What do you people use to worm? I have been using VermX and it cleared up a terrible infestation of worms for me a few years ago. Biggest problem is that it is so expensive. I like that it is natural also. No I don't work for the company but have been happy with the results I seem to have. I don't worm every month, I would go broke but may every quarter. With some of that other stuff the advice is to never eat the eggs from chickens who have been wormed with it which even if most people don't follow those suggestions scares the heck out of me.

Agree Agree Agree
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I may try that method, DE must be cheaper than it was 20 years ago or so.

cjb; Tabacco is a natural wormer also.
Well let's see........... first off DE is a very super fine dust almost like a talcom powder consistancy, a 50lb bag cost about $25.00 and for me last all year a full 12 mo, and I have over 100 birds in 7 different breeding pen's.

The way I use it is like this........ I have a big long handled pot, dip it into the container and scoop out a potfull, I have a flour sifter I use to scoop the DE out of the pot. I go from pen to pen just scooping DE into the sifter and sifting and sprinkling it around the pen, in nest boxes, feeders, roost, and even put a good dose right onto the birds as they run around and get it all spread everywhere.

This only takes just a few minutes and I only do that once a month maybe, so not much time at all. The birds will scratch around and constantly moving the DE about laying in the straw and it allways on them in small amounts, it's food grade so a small ingestion used in the feed helps just a little keeping there systems purring, keep in mind I don't use it as a wormer but as a parasite prevenitive.
When I buy feed once a month and do all of my custom mixing of feed combo's I allways add a handfull or two to each 100lbs of mixed feed, it keeps it from clumping due to excess moisture, keeps any little bug's out of feed, stuff like that.
My birds received kelp, DE, flax seeds and BOSS daily since I received them. They never gained weight as I thought they should. I have been a believer in DE for years, have always added it to my chicken feed. I was floored when I saw those necropsy results with the parasite load they had. So they had wazine a couple of weeks ago, (along with sulmet when I thought they had something respiratory) will receive valbazen when it arrives then will be started on neomycin antibiotic. And after the antibiotic, will be on probiotics, vitamins and minerals that I purchased from the first state vet website. The coop is being thoughly cleaned and will be sprayed with oxine. We plan to put ag lime down in the runs. We are also making more runs to the west of the henhouse to separate the flock so some will have a front run and some will have the back door run.
I guess I posted the original posting to let people know not to rely solely on DE for worming.

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