Proper Feed Amount


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
Does anyone know exactly how much layer feed chickens need per day? They roam the yard most of the day.
Each layer needs app. 1/3 pound of feed per pay. If they are free ranged, this can be cut down some. It is a good ide to just keep the feeders full and they will eat what they need.
My hens free range all day and go into the coop at night. I keep my feeders full all the time. They will only eat as much as they need.

One time I had them locked in the coop for two weeks and they eat alot more feed than when they are free ranging.
I feed them a certain amount that I've found them to eat during the day and remove when they roost for the night to keep pests (mice/rats) from finding food at night. I return in the morning just as they start stirring. I've just about got them exact as there is a tiny bit left over. My schedule for them is like this....

Day 1-All laying pellets
Day 2-laying pellets/house leftovers
Day 3-Chicken Salad lol (lots of different types of greens and just a little layer) sometimes worms/bugs too.


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