proper way to store egg?

If you are storing them for eating, it doesn't matter what side is up. I store eating eggs in a basket on the counter. They'll last at least a couple of weeks that way, unless your house is excessively hot. In the refrigerator, they're good for 2-3 months, maybe more.
I agree, it doesn't really matter how you store them (our fridge only has eight egg slots, so we're lying them down all over the place to make them fit.
). How long they last depends on the temperature. Here it's very hot in summer, so outside you want to have them eaten within a week. We also try to eat the refrigerated ones within a week too so they're fresh, but they do last a lot longer than that when cold.
We keep ours on the kitchen counter most of the year, but middle of summer it gets too hot so I put them in the fridge.

I only ever cook with room temp eggs, so in the hotter months I will keep a few out of the fridge for those impulse baking sprees!

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