Proper way to store eggs?


8 Years
Apr 26, 2011
I was just wondering what the proper way to store eggs is? Do you leave them on the counter in a cool area, or put them in the refrigerator? I have read many different sources all saying different things, and finally have turned to all you knowledgeable people.
Cool, thanks! The link you posted was interesting, might check that website out a bit more later on.
Ours go straight from nest box to egg cartons on counter; no washing, no refrigerating, no worrying! They stay there until they get eaten. Cooking with room temperature eggs is SO much better!
Same here ... got a cute wire basket to display the eggs on our counter ... cooking with eggs at room temperature is the only way to go
Can be good left out for months if unwashed. I can't imagine keeping them around longer than that...
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I use "born-on" dating, and mark each egg with the date I collect it (in pencil).
It helps me know how long they have been in the basket on the counter (leaving me some to scramble or whip easily at room temperature), and when I have a dozen, I put them in the fridge.
My family and friends absolutely love seeing the date they were layed! They get such a kick out of it!
I try never, ever to have to wash my eggs. My nests are clean and if something happens to stick to it, a quick swipe with a paper towel usually does the trick.
If one is really, especially gross outside, I will cook it right away for the dog or the chooks.
I have never heard of leaving eggs on the counter. Does that apply when the weather is warmer? Can they just be put into a basket or do they need to stand on edge? What about in the frig if they are collected every day? What are pros/cons of room temp eggs? Thanks in advance.
I just posted on another thread as well.... according to Gail Damerow's book, "Barnyard in your Backyard", "An egg stored at room tempature ages more in 1 day then an egg stored in the refrigerator ages in 1 week."

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