Sponsored Post Protecting your chickens from predators in your backyard!

We have the whole gamit when it comes to predators, bears, cougars, coyotes, racoons, eagles (today we saw 4), ravens, hawks. I haven't seen any foxes but I wouldn't doubt that they are there. It is a full time job keeping them safe. Our rooster is a big help...he hides behind the bigger girls.
Any advice/suggestions on what to do with a dog that keeps digging under the chicken run and killing chickens? Other than killing the dog......
well you got to admit, the interney is a great place to publisize your inventions and products. It costs thousands of dollars just to run a commercial on tcv, and if this predator alarm really works (regardless if that dudes first post was to help advertize his product) then this is the first N best place for people to test out products related to chickens ... I mean, sure. Why not? Just cuz it aint on tv dont mean its not real. O but I havent checked out the website...
I had issues with foxes and hawks. We lost 3 and a half hens. (I say half because a fox tried to attack my Silkie but she fought hard and got her wing torn off. Shes happy and healthy today!) We bought 2 dog kennels, added about a foot of chicken wire on the bottom and put netting on the top. (I bought all the supplies off craigslist.) I have not had a problem since. The ladies love their chicken palace and its safe!!
if you want them to be children friendly i would say dominiques or buff orphingtons.....
We have the whole gamit when it comes to predators, bears, cougars, coyotes, racoons, eagles (today we saw 4), ravens, hawks. I haven't seen any foxes but I wouldn't doubt that they are there. It is a full time job keeping them safe. Our rooster is a big help...he hides behind the bigger girls.
I live in the woods and have just about every predator on your list - haven't seen any bears around here yet! My penned birds are generally safe, despite not having a terribly secure set-up right now (every few years I have to replace chicken fencing because it rusts/rots up here in the Pacific Northwest). For the last six years, I've had a few "yardbirds" that have full access to my property - had to separate them from the rest of the birds for various chicken personality issues - and they became my best pals. My bantam Araucana roo, Marlon (see avatar) was such a dear, funny little guy...

Sadly, this year, all three of my yardbirds were taken by predators. Two disappeared completely a few months ago - no idea what happened and no traces left behind. The last one fell victim to a %$#@! eagle a few weeks ago. Still can't believe it.

It's very lonely here, now. I need some new bantam araucana pals!
Any advice/suggestions on what to do with a dog that keeps digging under the chicken run and killing chickens? Other than killing the dog......
I've been told by an oldtimer neighbor that "the only real cure" is to take one of the chickens the dog has killed, tie it around the dog's neck, and leave it there until it rots off (usually takes less than a week, he said). Supposedly, the dog will have such an aversion to chickens after that, that it won't go near them again. I don't know if I could do that to a dog, but I can see how it might work... :(
my chickens are protected by many sources. 1) a rooster he warns when there is danger 2) my dogs bark when predators are around 3) good fencing buried 1ft down and the coop part is netted on top for when they run for safety 4) wire fencing 2ft in height is layed on the ground around the pen to deture predators from wanting to dig around the fence line. 5) my trusty .22 . Also for the neighbors dogs who roam and their owners refuse to contain them I also use the trusty 22. It's legal in the country the law states you are to contain your dogs at all times and if they are on a farmers property after and disturbing livestock then it is perfectly legal to shoot them.
a bullet works nicely. It's your legal right if u live in the country. If your in the city. Catch it and call the police and the pound.

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