Protein level for layers and mixed flock?


May 4, 2022
My chicken coop🐓
I will start feeding my flock a starter as an all flock. It says it has a "minimum" of 20% protein I don't know how much more it has. Is this to much? I feel like my little slim leghorns will become meat birds if I feed them that:lol:
I wouldn't worry about that. High-ish protein is important for developing chicks and the other parameters look good.

16% is often sold as layer feed. It is a minimum, but not optimal level for them. I always feed 18% for adult chickens, but had to go to 16% due to supply problems early with Covid and saw multiple problems with the temporary drop in protein. 20% isn't a problem at all.
I originally thought that the lower protein was important for when they got to the egg laying stage (like the addition of calcium to their diet) - but it's actually just the bare minimum grown birds need to keep going. Most folks here will tell you they feed a higher-protein all flock.

I've been feeding everybody in my coop the product you linked to for the last six months, and they're all doing great. It's always fresh at my TSC; the last one I got had been milled maybe the week before. I'm pretty happy with it (i.e., it's not 90% dust like some of the crumbles).
It says it has a minimum of 20% though I'm hoping it's not much more then that?

Here's the brand
It won't be. Protein is expensive enough to provide that they won't have much extra without taking credit for it so they can charge enough more to cover the cost of it.

They will have just enough that the margin of error lands with the low side at the amount on the label. And it will be as thin of a margin of error as they can reasonably get.
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