Puffed, Sick Looking Chicken, Green and Yellow Poop

My hen is 11 months old hopin i can get her to vet in morn. Been lookin for poop but nothin felt crop feels empty she feels skinny im lost
We just lost Marky Mark

I just got all set up with some food in a syringe to try to drip along her beak. Her comb had suddenly gotten a lot paler over the last few hours and she was sitting a lot more. I was getting her all set up when she suddenly repositioned and flipped on her side. I sat her back up and her breathing became very labored, she sounded like she was wheezing. Then she started thrashing around until she got pushed up against the crate. It looked like she had a seizure, a lot of big thrashing at first then smaller ones until she was gone. It probably lasted 15 seconds.

What on earth could that have been? Could an organ have failed? Any other ideas? I'm more curious about whether or not that behavior aligns with something contagious or worms. Eggcessive mentioned heart and liver failure sometimes shows right before egg laying. It's always sad to lose a chicken, but it is worse right before you get to see their beautiful eggs.
Sorry for ur loss these are my wifes chickens but in some weird way they grew on me i think i spend more time with them than her they are really relaxing to watch and talk to just praying i can get my hen back feeling better been readin possible ilnesses all day on this issue
We just lost Marky Mark :(

I just got all set up with some food in a syringe to try to drip along her beak. Her comb had suddenly gotten a lot paler over the last few hours and she was sitting a lot more. I was getting her all set up when she suddenly repositioned and flipped on her side. I sat her back up and her breathing became very labored, she sounded like she was wheezing. Then she started thrashing around until she got pushed up against the crate. It looked like she had a seizure, a lot of big thrashing at first then smaller ones until she was gone. It probably lasted 15 seconds. 

What on earth could that have been? Could an organ have failed? Any other ideas? I'm more curious about whether or not that behavior aligns with something contagious or worms. Eggcessive mentioned heart and liver failure sometimes shows right before egg laying. It's always sad to lose a chicken, but it is worse right before you get to see their beautiful eggs. 

I'm so sorry for your loss. If you can refrigerate her body in a plastic bag, you can contact your state vet or poultry lab tomorrow morning to ask about getting a necropsy. In a couple of states it is free, but most charge a fee. Sometimes if that is not possible, we can do one at home to look at the internal organs, liver, intestines, inside of the gizzard, and sometimes we can see something that loooks abnormal. Take pictures if you do that, since many on BYC might be of help. Necropsies are hard to do if you are not familiar with butchering, but a great way to learn. I understand if you don't want to do this. Hopefully, it was just some defect in her body, but it sure is hard to lose a pet chicken.
I'm so sorry for your loss. If you can refrigerate her body in a plastic bag, you can contact your state vet or poultry lab tomorrow morning to ask about getting a necropsy. In a couple of states it is free, but most charge a fee. Sometimes if that is not possible, we can do one at home to look at the internal organs, liver, intestines, inside of the gizzard, and sometimes we can see something that loooks abnormal. Take pictures if you do that, since many on BYC might be of help. Necropsies are hard to do if you are not familiar with butchering, but a great way to learn. I understand if you don't want to do this. Hopefully, it was just some defect in her body, but it sure is hard to lose a pet chicken.
I appreciate your attempt to help! It's not a bad idea to get her checked out and/or learn to do it myself. I'm 3.5 years into chickening with no end in sight, so I've got to learn! I'm thankful for this forum!
Well my buff op hen moved on was hopin to get to vet in morn but to late she will be missed..

I'm sorry about your loss. I'll give you the same recommendation to refrigerate the body, and contact your state vet at the state dept. of agriculture, and get a necropsy.

I appreciate your attempt to help! It's not a bad idea to get her checked out and/or learn to do it myself. I'm 3.5 years into chickening with no end in sight, so I've got to learn! I'm thankful for this forum!

My flock ranges from 3 to 6 years old, and I am seeing more illnesses this past year. I had my first 2 cases of sour crop, and have seen 1 gizzard impaction, and severeal cases of possible egg yolk peritonitis. Without doing a necropsy myself, or getting a professinal one, we can't learn what the problem is.

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