Puffed up slightly lethargic turkey poult.

Sent you a PM with my contact info, so you can email or send pictures to my cell. Of course you can call, too. :D

If there is blood it will leach into the fabric as a dark reddish brown color. If it's just poop it will stay blackish or very dark green. You might also be able to smell blood.

Hard to know for sure if they do have blackhead, so when mine look like your poult does, I start them on metronidazole and Corid. Depending on what their poop looks like, I might also give them Baytril.

You say his crop is full... How full is full? Is there any way you can get him to drink?

He really only looks like that when I'm sitting in the chair there next to him and he tries to sleep. If I stand up he walks around and chatters. Right now he's yelling at me because I left the room.

He drinks on his own, and when I hold the water in front of him. He sometimes shivers a bit, but not much.

His crop isn't completely stuffed, but it's full, like the pullets and hens fill their crops before going to lay eggs, or in the case of my Silkies, to go sit on eggs.
Poults and peachicks are very good at hiding their illnesses and they aren't as cold tolerant as chicken chicks, so you might notice improvement in him if you give him a heat lamp or raise the temp in his room to 80-85 degrees. Shivering is not normal, but it's hard to say if he's shivering because he's sick, cold or both.

I plugged in a heat lamp for him, but he doesn't seem to care about it. He's still puffed up, but his last five or so poops have been normal.


I plugged in a heat lamp for him, but he doesn't seem to care about it. He's still puffed up, but his last five or so poops have been normal.

He looks much better and that poop looks pretty normal. Cecal poops are only passed a few times a day and are dark like your first picture, but they should be firm.

These are normal cecal poops:

He looks and acts fine, but he still seems a bit off to me. His tail still shivers on occasion as well. Perhaps it's just me. I mean, I'm used to hyper chickens and not mellow turkeys. But he still just seems a bit off to me.

Sometimes when he stands still, he puffs out a little bit and holds one foot up.
Yes, I cleaned up the poop last night before bed, and all the new ones on the floor and garbage can (his roosting place of choice) are normal. He just tried to chase me down as I went out the back door as well, not wanting to be left alone.
Yes, I cleaned up the poop last night before bed, and all the new ones on the floor and garbage can (his roosting place of choice) are normal. He just tried to chase me down as I went out the back door as well, not wanting to be left alone.
Poults are very affectionate, aren't they?


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