Puffy eyes out of nowhere.

Thank you so much! I pretty much separated her the moment I saw this symptom on her and came here and read your post. I started using saline water along with that. We looked for Doxy around the feed stores but didn't find any. I guess I have to look online. The other girls have shown no symptom and even the chicken with this condition is eating and drinking pretty well. The inflammation is also decreasing as well(picture below). No other symptoms just like you. Very bizarre.

I will look forward to the full analysis once you have it. Since your location is very close to me, I feel it might be the same thing whatever it is. Thanks!
It's a little bizarre. I'm hoping for a conclusion myself because I have 12 week old babies that really do need to be outside - it's been a biosecurity clown car over here since this started.

I would try Jedd's for supplies: https://jedds.com/

Re: doxy
My girls are taking 100mg each per day.
The pills are split: 50mg AM & 50mg PM.
If this starts to move into the flock it's worth considering -
but if she's getting better and it's an isolated case maybe wait and see.

For water distribution my instruction was 200mg in 1 liter of water.
This of course would need to be in powder form.
Please read up to see my notes on what containers you can use / cannot use. Also it cannot be in direct sunlight. And of course I'm sure you know to not use the eggs. I read up on doxy and it moves out of the system pretty efficiently - but even so, it seems at least a month is recommended (that month begins AFTER officially ending meds).

I think your girl looks much better - hope that continues 👍
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I'm glad they're doing better and I hope that continues!

I'm still new to chicken keeping and don't know much about chicken illnesses yet, but on the AQI front - being from CA, where we've dealt with lots and lots of wildfire smoke in the last few years, my guess is that the wildfire smoke could very well be a large part of the issue, even if it sounds like it's responding to antibiotics and was bacterial in nature. I heard lots of reports of all kinds of livestock having eye infections after the worst of our wildfires - my surface understanding is that it can be from mechanical irritation from particulates, as well as the triggering of immune responses to the irritants, and possibly even just higher susceptibility to other infections from the stress of dealing with poor air quality.

2 of my girls out of nowhere are displaying puffy eye lids.
Late discovery today & totally out of nowhere.
Of course I went down the Google rabbit hole and am convinced it might be mycoplasma.
I am calling the Vet first thing in the AM.
Part of my panic is obviously I love them - but I also have 5 10 week old pullets that would be joining the gang in coming weeks. I sure hope it's not a lifelong disease as they're all young. Anyone have great insight to a sudden case like this??

One note: I am in Upstate NY and we got nailed hard with dangerous smoke levels from the Canada wildfires. May mean nothing but worth mentioning.

Unrelated or possibly related (but that would maybe be weird): They are all molting a little bit in spots - mostly back and some girls a little around the neck. I have a mixed breed flock. They are 15 months old. It is clearly not time for an actual molt-molt. I've been scanning like crazy for mites / lice and am psycho about cleanliness. I see no trace of anything like that whatsoever.

Thank you in advance.
I'm in southern Oklahoma and I have girls molting now! I think it's a sign of the times, plants and animals no longer know what to do!!
Tylosin or Tylan has no egg withdrawal time, and can be put in the water 1 tsp per gallon for 3-5 days. It will treat mycoplasma (MG) and certain types of enteritis.
I'm glad they're doing better and I hope that continues!

I'm still new to chicken keeping and don't know much about chicken illnesses yet, but on the AQI front - being from CA, where we've dealt with lots and lots of wildfire smoke in the last few years, my guess is that the wildfire smoke could very well be a large part of the issue, even if it sounds like it's responding to antibiotics and was bacterial in nature. I heard lots of reports of all kinds of livestock having eye infections after the worst of our wildfires - my surface understanding is that it can be from mechanical irritation from particulates, as well as the triggering of immune responses to the irritants, and possibly even just higher susceptibility to other infections from the stress of dealing with poor air quality.
Thank you for adding this insight. Unfortunately the CA smoke is rolling in again here and we're now in the red (unhealthy). Really hoping it's not going to climb like last time. We have plexi panels we put up in the run in the winter, we put them up to try to cut the particulates some. It's not perfect - but it's something. Aaaargh.
I wanted to give a final update on this situation.

All tests from Cornell have come back negative. And by all tests, I mean almost everything you can test for. None of the usual suspects for this sort of symptom - MG or Coryza - were positive. Nothing noteworthy on fecal, blood, nor bacterial panels. Thiis makes zero sense - but I’m grateful nonetheless. I’m going to have to deduce that it’s something environmental & outside the normal ‘go to’ poultry viruses / diseases. Of course there are things going on in the world that aren’t textbook case studies!

After 10 days of doxy & eye washes everyone looks good & is back to normal.
The only weird thing that happened was one rogue colored egg none of my girls had ever laid before. It was light yellow. Huh? (Blame the doxy?)

Anyway - now I can proceed & be less paranoid about the merging of the incoming babies. Good luck to everyone navigating health issues - especially these weird, mysterious ones 🤔✌🏻
I wanted to give a final update on this situation.

All tests from Cornell have come back negative. And by all tests, I mean almost everything you can test for. None of the usual suspects for this sort of symptom - MG or Coryza - were positive. Nothing noteworthy on fecal, blood, nor bacterial panels. Thiis makes zero sense - but I’m grateful nonetheless. I’m going to have to deduce that it’s something environmental & outside the normal ‘go to’ poultry viruses / diseases. Of course there are things going on in the world that aren’t textbook case studies!

After 10 days of doxy & eye washes everyone looks good & is back to normal.
The only weird thing that happened was one rogue colored egg none of my girls had ever laid before. It was light yellow. Huh? (Blame the doxy?)

Anyway - now I can proceed & be less paranoid about the merging of the incoming babies. Good luck to everyone navigating health issues - especially these weird, mysterious ones 🤔✌🏻
Thank you so much for the update and doing these exhaustive tests! This puts my mind at ease(somewhat 😅) that its not the ones that I thought it could be. I have also put her back in the flock now that her symptoms all gone and none of them are showing any signs either.
Unfortunate update:

2 days ago 2 of my Cochins started swelling around their eyes again. One had the swelling previously - the other had zero symptoms last time. This is about 2 weeks after they went through a 10 day doxy treatment (it is also about 2 weeks after the last bad AQI upstate NY from the wildfires).

I consulted with the Avian Vet who saw all 13 of my birds. She took the case to a vet at Cornell who specializes in poultry diseases. From pics and test results that vet thinks it's Mycoplasma and the PCR may have produced a false negative (super annoying, if so). The only way to know would be to PCR test multiple birds in my flock - and there is also the option of a serology test that checks for Mycoplasma antibodies (all of which costs a lot of $$$). For now, I have been advised to use Tylan. Treating 13 birds only 2 of which have symptoms I do not love - but I don't know what else to do. This whole situation is a bummer - I might have to test a few birds for my sanity - as MG changes the future of the flock. Ugh.

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